Monday, February 28, 2011

Seoul Trip 6

Seoul in February is cold. We some snow and frozen trees in the mountains. No way we can see Sakura at the Yeouido this time. 2月のソウルはすごく寒い。山際には雪や凍りつく木々が見えました。今回はヨイドで桜を見るのは無理だなあ。

We went to dinner with Seoul office people and he is showing Koean way to open beer bottle with spoon. Can you see the bottle cap flying on Step 2 pic? It was so funny to see this and we aplaused and laughed very hard. ソウルオフィスの人たちと夕食。この彼は韓国流ビールの開け方を見せてくれています。何とスプーンで開けるんです。彼の左肩に飛んでいるフタに注目。すごくおかしくって大笑いと大喝采でした。

The meat there was very good. Looks like they are using special charcoal. At the end of meal, we ordred noodles. I ordered cold noodle with soup of course and I was told this mild noodle was for senior people and young people usually order spicy noodle which Steven ordred. Whatever!! お肉はもちろんとてもおいしかった。ここは何だか特別な炭を使っているようです。食事の〆には麺類を頼んだのですが、私はもちろん冷麺。でもこの辛くない冷麺は普通、年配の人々が多く注文するようで、若者はStevenが注文した辛い麺を食べるとか。そんなの気にしないよーだ。

I needed to take a pic with Beard Papa since I LOVE their cream puffs. He was still looking at me when I was leaving. He was saying, "Just picture? You need to buy some!" 私の好きなビアードパパがいたので、写真撮影。帰ろうとする私をいつまでも見てた。「写真だけとって帰るのか?シュークリーム買っていけぇ!」なんて言っていたのか。

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Seoul Trip 5 breakfast

We had a few times to eat breakfast together in Seoul and we had... ソウルでは数回Stevenと一緒に朝食をしました。

Korean Porridge :I didn't have this when we visited Korea last time so I was looking for this. Dry abalone porridge...YUM!! We both look sleepy though... 韓国粥 :前のソウル旅行で食べ損ねた待望のお粥。あわびのお粥がおいしかった。それにしても2人とも眠そうな顔してるなあ。

Korean noodle :It was very cold morning when we had this but I had cold noodle (there was some ice in the soup!) because I love this sour soup. Steven had warm noodle and it came in a pot! 韓国ヌードル :とても寒い朝でしたが、氷の入った韓国冷麺を食べた。だってあの酸っぱいスープがすき何だもの。Stevenはうどん風のヌードルを注文したら、お鍋ごとやってきた!

Sweets :The other day we went to a cafe and had nice cafe latte and sweet breakfast. Mine was Chiffon cake with whip cream and Steven had a Belgian waffle with whip cream. Loved the airy cake! 甘いもの :その他の日にはカフェでおいしいカフェラテと甘いもので朝食。私のは紅茶のシフォンケーキとホイップクリームでStevenはベルジアンワッフルを食べました。フワフワの食感がナイス!

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seoul Trip 4

I took a subway to Dongdaemun Market where is a few station away from the hotel. This market is bigger than Nandemaon I went yesterday and has more daily stuff. 地下鉄に乗って東大門市場へ。ホテルからは3~4駅の近い場所。昨日行った南大門より大きいかな。日常品、食品が多いような気がする。
I really liked the egg dish I had with Mom and my sis, Ryoko 3 years ago so wanted to have it again. Though I don't remember which restaurant. I thought they all make the same pretty much because it looks like basic dish. WRONG! The one I had here was not so good. The texture of the egg was too hard like over cooked. Oh well... 3年前にソウルに来た時、ママと妹の涼子と食べた茶碗蒸しのような卵料理がとてもおいしかったので、又、食べたかったのだけどそのお店を覚えてない。韓国ではきっと基本の料理だろうから、どこでもおいしいかな、と思い、あるお店でトライ。うーん、そうではなかった。ここのは卵が固すぎておいしくなかった。焼きすぎって感じ。残念でした。

When I see this from outside, I thought it was Japanese sweets, Taiyaki. They are usually fish shape and have sweet bean paste inside. I don't like those kind sweets but I saw different kind stuffing. I picked Purukogi (Korean :stir fried marinated meat) and found out this was a kind of sandwich! They use white sandwich bread instead of flour dough. They put a piece of bread on the iron molding, add cooked purukogi meat, put another piece of bread on it and squished with another iron molding and cooked for a few minutes. I liked it! Much better than Japanese Taiyaki. このかわいいお店を外から見たとき、たい焼きのお店だと思い、あんこが苦手な私は通り過ぎようとしたのですが、あら、中身を選べるみたい。何とプルコギがあるじゃないか。さすが韓国。それ、いただきましょう。よく見るとたい焼きの皮の部分をサンドイッチのパンで作っている。パンの間にプルコギを置いてぎゅーっと形をつけて数分焼くと鯛の形のパニーニサンドイッチ。おいしかった。私はたい焼きよりこちらの方が好きです。

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Seoul Trip 3

Had lunch with Steven and his coworker. We went to hot pot noodle place. There was a big hot pot in the middle of our table and the waitress adeptly put noodle, veggies and super thin beef in the broth. She even devided it in our bowl. We loved this noddle! Finally something not spicy and tasty food in Korea! Stevenの会社の人とランチ。お鍋に麺と薄い牛肉が入ったもの。テーブルの中央に大きなお鍋があり、ウェイトレスさんが、火をつけるところからどんぶりによそうまで、全てやってくれました。おいしかったあ。全く辛くなくやさしい味のお汁でした。韓国にも辛くないお料理があるのねえ。

I went to Namdaemun Market this afternoon. There were a lot of daily food, spices, nuts and tea there. I bought pine nuts for Mom who uses them in her Kimchi. 午後は南大門へ歩いて行き、マーケットを見てきました。日常品の食料から、スパイス、ナッツ類、お茶などたくさん。ママにキムチ用の松の実を買いました。

Steven's coworker recommended this dumpling restaurant, Crystal Jade. This was not a Korean food but needed a little break from Kimchi. Stevenの会社の人が薦めた餃子のお店、Crystal Jade。韓国料理じゃないけれどキムチからちょっと離れてみるのもいいでしょ。皮がよくできてたなあ。

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seoul Trip 2

Since we are in Korea, we had to have Korean BBQ!! We went to the one in Myongdong with Steven's coworkers. Look at the vent tube right on the pot. It sucks all the smoke so your hair and clothes don't get BBQ smell....not quite so but it sucked most of the smoke and smell. The food there was very good. I liked the seafood pancake, Chijimi.

I had hair cut in Seoul!! The curl of course disappeared next day but I still like the cut. He did a good job! 初めてソウルで髪を切ってもらいました!直後は巻いてもらったので、フワフワしてますが、次の日にはもちろんストレートは逆戻り。でもカットはよかった。

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seoul Trip 1

I went to a local restaurant in Myeongdong. I had never had bibimbap with fish roe but I loved the crispy texture and the lightness. I stopped at Holly's Coffee and had Yuzu freeze. Goooood!!
ミャンドンのジモッティが行きそうなレストランへ行き、トビコ入りのビビンバを食べました。プチプチ感がおいしい軽い感じがよかった。その後、Holly's Coffeeでコーヒーでなく柚子のスムージーにトライ。おいしい!

We stayed at The plaza we stayed before but we were surprised by their renewed interior. They were nice classic hotel but now they are pop and funny. There are big mirrors on the both sides of the wall and HUGE desk lamps on two corners.
前回と同じThe Plazaに泊まったのですが、リモデルされた内装に驚きました。前は落ち着いたホテルだったのに、何だかポップで変わった感じ。両方の壁に大きな鏡があったり、巨大卓上ライトの形をしたフロアランプが部屋の2つのコーナーにあるんです。

So I can play with infinity images with the funny mirror.

See, the light is much bigger than me. I am playing "honey, I shrunk the kids."
ほら、卓上ランプの形なのに私よりずっと大きい。古い映画の"honey, I shrunk the kids."

Weird changes at this hotel. We didn't like them :(

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Candlestick Park Antique Market

I dragged Steven to Candlestick Antique Market. I also dragged our friends, Hisami & Michael to there :) The weather was nice. Much nicer than I thought. We enjoyed antique shopping. I got some antique and not-so-antique to decorate our house. Mostly for our new kitchen!! (which will be renewed soon) My biggest moment was when I found the Christmas plate of 1971. The rabbit caught my eyes from far. I felt like the bunny jumped out from the plate and came to me saying "Hey, I am here!".
StevenをひきずってCandlestick Parkのアンティークマーケットに行ってきました。実はひきずったのは彼だけでなく、お友達の久美さん&Michaelも。お天気は思っていたよりかなりよく、暖かくて見て回るには丁度いい感じでした。古いものやあまり古くないものを色々買って来ました。ほとんどが、新しいキッチンに飾るもの。(正確には「リモデルをもうすぐ始めるキッチン」) 一番の収穫は1971年のクリスマスプレート。お皿のウサギが遠くから目に入ってきたのです。お皿からピョンと飛び出して、「ちょっと、こっち、こっち。」と呼びに来たような感じでした。

After the shopping, we went to Himawari Ramen in San Mateo. Ohhhhh, it was great. I think their ramen was the best in Bay Area. This place is very popular and we needed to wait more than 30 mins to get in so we bought tiny taiyaki (sweets, cream inside) from Sweet bream which is on the same street.
ショッピングの後はSan MateoのHimawariというラーメン屋さんへ行きました。あー、おいしかった。ベイエリアではここが一番おいしいと思う。とても人気があるので、30分くらい待ってお店に入りました。その間、同じ通りにあるSweet Breamsでミニミニたい焼き、クリーム入りを食べながら待ちました。
202 2nd Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 375-1005

Talking about sweets, I baked Vanilla Souffle with chocolate chunk. Looks good, doesn't it? Well, taste was just OK.

Our star Magnolia is blooming. Too bad we are leaving for Korea/Japan tomorrow.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring is coming

We found little flowers and buds in our garden!! The pink one is Star Magnolia we planted in the front yard. They were white flowers we planted last year but it is pink now...It may become white when it blooms...The little flower is peach and we are going to have peach fruits!!!...someday.
We went to Yamagami Nursery in Cupertino and got some plants. I planted cyclamen and violet together. Aren't they cute?

We transferred rose plant from front yard to back because Steven has some plans for our front yard. I put our gnome next to it wishing he is going to take a good care of the rose. We also planted some pink flowers and a tangerine tree!!!! I have been dreaming growing them in the yard. Steven said, "OK. This is going to be our last one. No more fruit trees." He thinks our yard is too small to have more than three...I wanted fig tree and cherry tree, too but I guess I won't get them...

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Dinner

Went to La Pastia where we loved their pasta the other day. See, balsamic vinegar in the oil is even heart shape! 先日行ってパスタ料理がとても気にいったこのお店、La Pastiaへ行ってきました。ほらあ、オリーブオイルの中のバルサミコ酢までもハートよ!

My carpaccio covered the mountain of Arugula+shiitake salad. I had never seen Carpaccio served like this. Very creative. Pansotti (I still don't know the difference between Pansotti and Ravioli) was very delicious. The swetness of stuffing (pumpkin or squash) and saltiness of Stilton(type of blue cheese) sauce was great match. I tasted Steven's dishes and loved the ravioli in brown butter sauce. They make good pasta!!

ravioli with brown butter and sage
carpaccio with arugula, Shitake mushrooms, and Parmigiano-Reggiano

braised lamb ossobuco white beans and baby carrots soft polenta gremolata
roasted Winter vegetable and ricotta stuffed pansotti Stilton cream sauce

chocolate rava cake with rasberry solbet on custart cream
vanila Ice cream on Pavlova with caramel sauce

Everything was great including pairing wine but downside of Valentine's day dinner is that we cannot order a la carte. We are so full at the end of the dinner. ペアリングされたワインを含め全ておいしかったけど、バレンタインデーのディナーってどこのお店もコースメニューしかないから、お腹いっぱい。食べ過ぎました。

La Pastia
233 West Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113-1710
(408) 286-2626

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Red Wine Braised Buffalo Roast

Looks like I make this dish only once a year and it is always in January or February. Well, I don't want to turn the oven on for 3 hours in Summer for sure so it has to be the coldest month. I started making this after we came back from our Paris trip in 2008. We loved the dish we had there and I wanted to have it at home. Here are my old posts for this dish. 2008 2009 2010 This is the forth time I made it...It means it has been 3 years since we left Paris. It is time to go back to Paris!!!! :):) You know what? Yesterday, I broke the mug cup (it was just a touristy cup from Starbucks in Paris though) from Paris and Steven said, "Oh, well. We need to go back to Paris to get a new one, don't we?" Let's go!!!
どうやらこのお料理、一年に一度しかもいつも1月か2月に作っているみたいです。まあ、3時間もオーブンを使うので夏には絶対したくないから一年で一番寒い月に作っているのね。これを作り始めたのは2008年に行ったパリ旅行から帰ってきてから。旅先でいただいたこのお料理がとても気に入り家でも作ってみたかったの。こちらが、その歴史。2008 2009 2010 今回が4回目ということはパリから帰ってきて3年が経つのかあ。そろそろパリに戻る時期だなあ。そういえば昨日、買ったマグカップ(パリのスターバックスで買ったおみやげ感いっぱいのアレですけど。)を落として割った時、Stevenが「まあ、これでパリに新しいやつ買いに行かなきゃいけなくなったねえ。」なんて言ってたし。レッツゴー!

OK. go back to this dish. This time I used Buffalo rump roast we got from our favorite butcher in Farmer's market in Campbell. It usually takes 3 days to make it but I used this recipe which takes 2 days this time. The buffalo has been marinated in wine and veggie in 24 hours.
話をお料理に戻すと、今回はCampbellのFarmer's Marketに出る私達のお気に入りお肉屋さんから買ったバッファローのランプローストで作ってみました。伝統的な方法だと3日かかるけど、今回は2日でできるこのレシピで。

1.See, the meat is wine color now. 2. pull the meat out 3. Brown the meat. 4. Put the marinade and veggie back and cook on the stove.

5.Cook in the oven for 3 hours. 6. Looking good at 2 hours stage 7. Done but look how messy my pot got. Don't worry Steven is going to clean perfectly. 8. Strain and reduce the sauce
5.オーブンで3時間 6.2時間目。いい感じ。7.できあがり。お鍋がすごいことになってますが、大丈夫。Stevenがきれーいに洗ってくれるでしょう。8.ソースを漉して、煮詰めます。

To respect this dish, I made shrimp&edamame appetizer and dessert;chocolate mousse with heart shaped chocolate. Yes, Valentine's Day is the day after tomorrow!! The meat was incredible. Steven loves dish very much and every time I make this dish, he keeps telling me, "It was so good. Thank you, honey!" for a few days so it is worth making this for me. Hee hee hee....The dirty pot was washed and polished by Steven so it looks like new now. :)

I finally used a part of the trees which got knocked out the other day. The red vase didn't quit fit in our orange wall so I wrapped with a cloth.

Now for Valentine's day, I hung these heart shaped papers with sweet messages. I have done this while Steven was laying blocks outside.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Redo on flower boxes & running shoes

Steven is re doing the flower boxes he made last year. He wanted better flower boxes.



He did all by himself and now we have beautiful flower boxes!! What should we plant this year?

Not related with the flower boxes, I bought 4th running shoes yesterday and I liked them when I ran this morning. Here is the history of my shoes. Brooks, Saucony, Asics, and the I am back to Brooks now. 3 shoes retired for 2.5 one pair lasts for only 8 months or so. Well I am not going to open my old shoe museum so I will donate my old ones to kids in Africa.
花壇とは関係ないけど新しいランニングシューズを昨日、買いました。4足目になるこの靴、今日走ったかんじではいい感じ。これが今までの靴。Brooks, Saucony, Asics そして今回の靴はBrooksに戻りました。2.5年で3足ということは一足が8ヶ月くらいでだめになるのね。古靴博物館を開く予定もないので、古い3足はアフリカの子供に寄付しようっと。詳しくはこちら。(英語)

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