I wanted to make this dish, wild boar stew in red wine ever since we had it in Paris last year. The reasons why it took me a long time are, one:I couldn't find wild boar meat anywhere and two: it takes three days to make. However I found a meat store that has wild boar meat and I can do this for a "special" Valentine dinner.
400 San Antonio Rd
Mountain View, CA
Day 1: (一日目)
1.Found the meat! イノシシ肉を見つけた!
2. Cut veggies and meat and marinate them in red wine with herbs. Keep it in the fridge for a night. 野菜とお肉を切って、ハーブと共にワインの中に漬け込む。冷蔵庫で一晩おく。
Day 2: (二日目)
4.Separate veggies and meat from the wine marinade. 野菜とお肉をワインから分けて上げる。
3.Fry pancetta and put the veggies and fry them. パンチェッタ(イタリアのベーコン)を炒め、それで野菜を炒める。

6.Put the veggies and meat in the wine marinade and bring it to boil. 炒めたお野菜とお肉をワインにもどし、沸騰させる。
7.Put the casserole in the oven at 390F for 1.5 hours. 200度のオーブンので1.5時間煮込む。
8. Oh, it's cooked but it is not ready yet. Take it from the oven and let it stand till it becomes room temperature and put it in the fridge overnight. Good night! あー、煮えました。が、まだ。オーブンから出して室温になるまで蒸らし、その後冷蔵庫で一晩おく。おやすみなさ~い。
Day3 (3日目):The fat has risen up to the top so take it out with a small spoon and heat up on the stove slowly and cooked for another 40 minutes and done! I will show you the finishing picture tomorrow. 油が上がってきてるので、小さいスプーンで取り除きゆっくり温め、40分くらい再び煮込んで出来上がり!できあがりの写真は明日。