We had a few times to eat breakfast together in Seoul and we had... ソウルでは数回Stevenと一緒に朝食をしました。
Korean Porridge :I didn't have this when we visited Korea last time so I was looking for this. Dry abalone porridge...YUM!! We both look sleepy though... 韓国粥 :前のソウル旅行で食べ損ねた待望のお粥。あわびのお粥がおいしかった。それにしても2人とも眠そうな顔してるなあ。

Korean noodle :It was very cold morning when we had this but I had cold noodle (there was some ice in the soup!) because I love this sour soup. Steven had warm noodle and it came in a pot! 韓国ヌードル :とても寒い朝でしたが、氷の入った韓国冷麺を食べた。だってあの酸っぱいスープがすき何だもの。Stevenはうどん風のヌードルを注文したら、お鍋ごとやってきた!
Sweets :The other day we went to a cafe and had nice cafe latte and sweet breakfast. Mine was Chiffon cake with whip cream and Steven had a Belgian waffle with whip cream. Loved the airy cake! 甘いもの :その他の日にはカフェでおいしいカフェラテと甘いもので朝食。私のは紅茶のシフォンケーキとホイップクリームでStevenはベルジアンワッフルを食べました。フワフワの食感がナイス!