Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wall color in the kitchen

We had been thinking the wall color in the kitchen for long time but we finally decided to use some yellowish color. Since the decorative tiles above the gas range are kind of Provencal, yellow goes with the theme. I painted samples on the wall and was looking and looking and looking at them for 2 days and nights.

I am proud of myself because I painted in one day! The paint color name is Sweet buttered Corn. The living room wall is "sweet carrot" so sounds about right!
一日でペンキ塗りを終えた自分に感心!色の名前は「Sweet buttered Corn」リビングの壁の色が「Sweet carrot」だからいいでしょう?…ってどういいのか。

Almost done!

I made Thai food, gai pad bai gapao for dinner. Stir fried minced meat and basil on rice. It was gooood! 夕食はタイでガパオ飯を作りました。バジルがいい香り。

I also made a lot of pleated pouches for gifts. I had a lot of fun thinking combinations of the fabrics. Aren't they cute?