Steven is off today so we are going to Macau! One more stamp on our passports! We took a tram to go to ferry terminal. Look at the price for this tram ride. It is only HK$ 2 which is 30 cents or so in US dollars!!

We bought Portuguese egg tart for breakfast since we are going to Macau where was a colony of Portugal. マカオに行くのだもの、ポルトガルエッグタルトを食べとかないとね。ポルトガルの植民地だったそう。
Well, we didn't know they serve food in the ferry so we ate a little bit of ferry food. Oh, we were in Super Class and regular class people don't get this food. Hee hee hee...(Only $10 difference so it is not a big deal....silly me.) 実はフェリーの中で食事が出るなんて知らなかったの。タルトを食べた私達は船内食を少しだけいただきました。あ、これはスーパークラスでの話で、普通のクラスでは食事は出ませんのよ。おほほ。(たかだか、$10の差額なので大したことないです。)
Macau has interesting mixed cultures of China and Portugal. The colorful buildings remind me of Brazil...
We passed on casinos and visited world heritage sites. First we saw ruins of st. Paul's. Definitely European style church and the gate was very beautiful.
There were some cannons around the area and we took usual silly pictures.
Pretty view from the hill.
We walked through other historical buildings (no pics) and now we are starving! We asked a guard of a museum for Macau food restaurant and here it is!!
Reataurante Litoral
Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261A, Macau
We ordered salted cod salad, seafood curry dish and African chicken. Ohhhh, it was good. It tasted like Thai food a little bit. Spicy and sweet.
We ordered salted cod salad, seafood curry dish and African chicken. Ohhhh, it was good. It tasted like Thai food a little bit. Spicy and sweet.
Last place to visit was A-Ma Temple. This was Chinese style temple which has reddish color buildings with ceramic roof tiles. 最後の場所はA-MA寺院。中国スタイルで、赤系統の建物と瓦屋根できれいです。
OK. It is time to go back to Hong Kong island. Steven needs to go to work to fix something....On the way back, sweets and tea sandwich were served.....We had a little bit because we were still full from the big lunch. さてと。Stevenがオフィスにちょっとよらなければならないので、そろそろ帰りましょうか。帰りの便ではハイティー風のスナックがあのランチの後ではこれを完食するのは私でも無理。
He took a tram to go to work. Come back early, honey!!
The tram with Steven is going away....wait a minute, he is still waving!!!
After Steven came back to the hotel, we went to a sky bar, Sevva to meet our friends. Bar!? We don't go out for drink so often so I was excited. See I am wearing leopard print mini dress !! I think the last time I wore this kind of night life dress was 10 years ago.
After we enjoyed beautiful views and talking, we movd to Mandarin Oriental Hotel to get some late night snack! Four of us shared these three sweets. Mmmmmm everything was tasty. Wow, it was a long day with full of fun!!