There was a big crack on the garage floor and Steven wanted a nice smooth one. The other day, he broke the concrete like this, and now cement time! Yes! We now have a niiiiiiice smoooooth floor. We used 80Lb x 12bags and it is almost a half ton!!
ガレージの床に大きな割れ目があったので、Stevenが平らできれいな床を作っています。この間、コンクリートを壊したので、さあ、セメントプロジェクトの始まり。37kg x12 袋だから1/2トンのセメントを流し込んで、スムーズな床ができました!
Now what is he doing? He is sanding the wall he made to get smooth surface with $3 sanding machine. Yeah, we found this at a yard sale in the neighborhood and was not sure if it works because of the price but worked PERFECT! What a bargain! We are going to keep the blue price tag. :) お次はなんでしょう。先日作ったガレージの壁を調整するのに、サンディングマシンでやすりをかけています。実はこのマシン、近くのガレージセールで、何と$3だったの。動くかどうかわからなずに買って見たのですが全く問題なく動きました。何てお買い得なんでしょ。$3と書いた青いシールをつけたままにします。
Well, I did some work, too! The medicine drawers in the bathroom were terrible. We always hate that things fall down between the wire basket. It will take sometime to remodel bathroom so we still need to use these cheap Ikea drawers. However, I have a solution. I made inner boxes with cute fabric and Voila! Looks much better and no more falling stuff!

The other project I did was decorating our fireplace. In the left small pic, you see a boring white fireplace. I bought a curved wood molding and painted white which is our fireplace color and glued it! See, it looks nice. Do you think it is going to be too crowded if I put more on the both sides? I need to think a little bit. もうひとつは暖炉の飾り。左上の小さな写真に見えますは何てことない白い暖炉。木彫りの飾りを買い、暖炉と同じ白に塗って貼り付けます。いいでしょ!さて、この両側にもう少し同じような飾りを付けたらどう?ちょっとうるさい感じになるかしら。しばらく考えます。