We went to Dim sum for my birthday brunch and went to a phone shop after. Yeah, Steven got me an iPhone. It is 3G because I do not need Super duper new 4G one. (it costs twice more, too) I LOVE this. I get lost on the road very easily but I can use this as GPS so NO MORE getting lost when I am driving! 私のお誕生日には飲茶ランチに行って、その後フォンショップでiPoneを買ってもらいました。最新ピカピカの4Gではなく、これは3Gですが、私にはこれで十分。(値段も半分だしね。)とても楽しんでいます。方向音痴の私は運転していていつも迷うんだけど、これはGPSとして使えるので、もう迷いません。ひゃー、うれしい。
July 4th is around the corner so I made some decorations. After I hung this star decoration, Steven said "Honey, the color order is wrong. It is supposed to be Red, White and Blue." Well, your wife is a foreigner. You cannot expect me to do everything perfect on these :) :)
I also made the second laptop pillow a few days ago. More boysh color than the first one so I gave this to Steven. 数日前には二つ目のPCクッションも作りました。最初のより男の子っぽい色だからこれはStevenにあげる。