Steven is digging the root and is it time to come out? Let's see...

Push it harder! もっと力入れて!
Wow, he did it and it made a BIG noise! Now we have a clean look. Thank you, honey!
Now the question is how to get rid of this. Chop them up and put in the garbage box? Do they take it?さて、問題はこれをどう処分するか。小さく切ってゴミ箱に入れとけばゴミの日に持って行ってくれるかなあ。
-boiled corns
-tomato, cucumber &basil salad
Had dinner looking at the clean looking back yard. Nice breeze is coming in, too....The menu is...
-Pan fried halibut with mushrooms and scallionsそういうわけできれいになったお庭を見ながら夕食。涼しい風も吹いてきました。メニューは…

-boiled corns
-tomato, cucumber &basil salad