Another sunny and warm day in Athens. I went to National Archaeological Museum because this is the last chance to go there as we will leave tomorrow. Another amazing collections. I really liked the Aphrodite statue so I sat down on the bench to draw her. This is one of the good things you get when you have a lot of time. Once in a while some people come to peek my sketch book so it is embarrassing but this is very luxury thing to do for me. 今日もお天気で暖かいアテネ。明日にはアテネを出るので前から行きたかった国立考古学美術館へGo!又もや素晴らしいコレクション。中でもアフロディーテの像が気に入り近くのベンチに座ってスケッチしました。これは時間がある時にしかできません。時々、人が来てスケッチブックをのぞくので恥ずかしいけれど美術館でスケッチするのはとても贅沢です。
I called Steven to have lunch at the place closed to his office. This is a franchise restaurant where serves great Greek sandwich, we came here three times in two weeks. Oh, the right-down picture is not from them. I forgot the name but this buffet restaurant was also good. Stevenを呼んで彼のオフィスの近くでランチ。ここはチェーン店だけどとてもおいしいギリシャサンドイッチ(ピタパン)を出すレストランです。2週間の内に3回来たかな。あ、右下の写真はここではなく他のレストランでいただいたビュッフェスタイルのランチ。お店の名前は忘れちゃった。