Thursday, February 14, 2008

Athens 2

Today was 10 degree warmer than yesterday and SUNNY!! We took a cable car to Likavitos hill. Athens is kind of flat so this hill and the one has Acropolis stand out in the city. The view from here are beaitiful. 今日は昨日よりも5~6度以上暖かく、うって変わっていい天気。ケーブルカーでリカヴィトスの丘に登る。アテネは平らなのでこことアクロポリスのある丘が市内で目立ちます。眺めは最高でした。

It really was sunny and very warm and it makes us VERY happy. Notice we are not wearing heavy coats! In fron of the white church on the Likavitos hill.本当にお天気がよく二人ともるんるん。今日は厚いコートなしです。リカトヴィスの白い教会の前で。

Also went to Ancient Agora which has Temple of Hephaestus. Stoa of Zeus, etc... There are only 15 columns left but used to be 104 columns so it was enormous temple with gold and ivory statue of Zeus inside. Imagining the time when these were all brand new spanking white marble. そして古代アゴラにも行き、ゼウスの神殿やへパイスタスの神殿を見ました。巨大な建物ですが、これはほんの一部、今は15本しか柱が残っていませんが、当時は104本ある壮大な建物で中には金と象牙でできたゼウスの像があったそう。ぴっかぴかの白い大理石であった太古の昔を想う。

Our Valentine dinner (How special this Valentine's day is!) was at Plaka, traditional Greek food.

Plaka Taverna
16, Kidathineon Athens

Valentine shot with a rose from my husband...

and a goofy shot.

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