Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Philadelphia - snowman and igloo

After we had fun with Lily, started making snowman finally. Steven is rolling a snow ball. We made three big balls for the snowman. (Note:Japanese snowman needs only two balls. Don't tell me because Japanese people are short!)

We made one snow man but made a little changes on him for varieties. I found a baseball cap with "P" on it in Dad's coat closet so we put it on him for Philly boy. Dad looked at us taking pictures and said, "Well, it is not a Philly hat. It is P for Pittsburgh Pirates." Mmmm, let's pretend I didn't hear that....
雪だるま君をひとつ作っていろんなバージョンに変えて楽しみました。スヌーピー、くま、帽子とスカーフをかけたり、ボタンもつけたり、そしてPhillyボーイ。お義父さんのコートクロゼットの中にPマークの野球帽があったので、かぶせてね。ところがそれを見ていたお義父さんが、「いやあ、そりゃPhillyじゃなくてPittsburgh PiratesのPだよ。」ええええ?聞かなかったことにしましょ。

Other variations were deer and short ear rabbit. We made him in front of the house like this so some people pointed at him and said, "Ohhhh snowman!!!" Thank you for noticing him!!

"Am I cuuute?"

In the back yard, a ruin of my igloo looks so sad. Yes, my attempt failed because the snow was still too dry yesterday. 裏庭では昨日ワタシが作ろうとして失敗したかまくらが無残な姿に。雪がサラサラすぎてうまく積めなかったのよん。

Now my sweet husband made a new igloo for me! It is big enough to sit inside.

I also made a city wall around it to protect from enemies. (what enemies?!) I planted some green , added our family name, and kept deers. (Borrowed dad's Christmas decorations)

Tonight is the last night in Philadelphia and we went to Duffers for dinner. The Santa Clause was at the entrance so I sat on his lap. (They even had a cushion to sit.) I ordered All-you-can- eat-crab. Too bad I only ate two servings!! Hee hee hee...

Duffer's Tavern
192 Middletown Rd
Glen Mills, PA 19342
(610) 358-5050

I wanted to take a romantic pic with candle but couldn't do it without the camera flash so here you go, not-so-romantic picture of me in the igloo.

We had so much fun here but we need to go home tomorrow....went to bed thanking Steven's family. What? How was the Eagles' game tonight? Don't ask.