Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Philadelphia - Dad's baking

We woke up to sweet baking smell....at 10 am (Note: it is still 7am in West Coast time!) What a great way to wake up to! It came from this, Dad's Irish Soda Bread.

We couldn't wait and didn't listen to Dad saying "I would wait for a little longer." Steven cut and tasted. "It is gooood!" I like his Irish Soda Bread because it is not too sweet and raisin gives it a nice accent. お義父さんの「もうちょっと置いた方がいいと思うけど。」という言葉も聞き流し、待ちきれずに切ってみる。Stevenが味見して「お、おいしい!」お義父さんのアイリッシュブレッドは甘すぎず、レーズンがいいアクセントになってすごくおいしいんです。

Well, he is still working on something in the kitchen. Yeah! He is also making a pound cake.

Wow, it smells sooooo good......Oh, my...I am in a big trouble here!