It was 7:30 in the morning and I was about go for a run. The big truck with lumber parked in our driveway. Yes, we are having new fence today!

When I came back from an hour run, they already made holes, the column woods were in and ready for the cement! So fast!! They took only 4 to 5 hours to build this fence. Beautiful!
1時間のランニングから戻ってきたら柱になる木材を立てる穴が掘られてセメントを注ぐ段階になっていてびっくり。はやっ! 全部で4~5時間でフェンスを作り終えてました。さすがプロ。ナイスなフェンス。
My Shiso basil is doing well, too. Hope we can have some Shiso for my Japanese cooking.