The chartered train left the station and 30 minute fun ride in the great Redwoods...Feel soooooo good! 結婚式の出席者を乗せた貸切の蒸気機関車は30分ほど、素晴らしいレッドウッドの森を走ります。あー、気持ちいい!

Destination is a little place with beautiful redwoods surrounded.

...and here comes the bride!!! The bridesmaids are her sisters, Kimi and Mariko. When they picked this wedding day, Mikako was so sweet and ask me to be her one of her bridesmaids since they treat me like their sister. I was honored but I thought I was too old for that but I should have said yes because their dresses and the shawls her mother, Jean knitted were simply GORGEOUS!!! Mikako's dress and Brendan's vest were made from old wedding kimono and they are beautiful! そして花嫁登場!bridesmaidsは妹のKimiとMariko。結婚が決まった時、姉妹のように昔から仲良くしているという事でMikakoは私にもBridesmaidの一人になってと誘ってくれたのです。そういう風に思ってくれることがうれしかったのですが、さすがに年を取り過ぎていると思いお断りしました。でも今日のbridesmaidのドレスとお母さんのJeanが編んだおそろいのショールが何とも素敵だったので、受ければよかったなぁ、なんて思うほどでした。Mikakoのドレスは花嫁の打ち掛けをドレスに仕立て直したもの。Brendanのベストも残り布で作ってあるのでおそろいの孔雀の模様。素敵!

この上の写真だけはMikakoの従兄弟、Amber Gillespieが撮ったもの。
After the ceremony, we took the train back to the station and went to a restaurant for the party.
Mikako and Brendan has been folding the cranes since they had met wishing their happiness following Japanese custom. Today, the cranes and the ones their friends (including me!) folded got together and decorated the venue. 式の後は又、汽車にのって駅に戻り、披露宴のためにレストランへ向かいます。MikakoとBrendanが出会った頃から、折り続けた鶴と友人達が折ったものを合わせ、千羽の鶴が会場を飾ります。
Mikako and Brendan has been folding the cranes since they had met wishing their happiness following Japanese custom. Today, the cranes and the ones their friends (including me!) folded got together and decorated the venue. 式の後は又、汽車にのって駅に戻り、披露宴のためにレストランへ向かいます。MikakoとBrendanが出会った頃から、折り続けた鶴と友人達が折ったものを合わせ、千羽の鶴が会場を飾ります。
Mikako was named after me after my 3 week stay with her family when I was a college student. Now this Mikako got married on the same day I got married and weird thing is it was not intentional. She also caught the bouqet I thew on my wedding 5 years ago. And did I mention she was my bridesmaid? One more thing, I told her she looked like a mermaid in the dress and she said, "that's what I wanted!" Wait, being a mermaid was MY dream in my childhood!!! From all these things, I would say... we are spiritually connected.
5 years ago today, Mikako & I.

The patry was filled with laughter and happiness!
They are so sweet and cute! Wish their lives are full of happiness and fun!!
The moon joined the party later. Today is our 5 th anniversary.
Hope Mikako and Brendan will be happy like Mikako & Steven :)