We rented a concrete saw and he is cutting the floor! First, the water didn't come out from the hose so terrible concrete dust all over. Cannot see anything!! Then the water hose worked and the view is clear but wow it was soooo noisy! Steven had ear plugs on so hope he is OK... コンクリートを切る電動ノコギリをレンタルして、さあ始め!最初はホースから水が出なかったのかすごい粉塵があがって何も見えない。その後ホースがうまく作動して視界はクリアですが、振動と音がすごい。耳栓をしているけれど、Steven大丈夫かな。
"what?" 「え?」
Hmmm…He needs a work suit...I don't want to wash these with my cute clothes!!!!
While Steven was doing messy job, I was appreciating our rose from our front yard. When I was a kid and watching a movie, I saw an English lady cutting and collecting her roses in the basket in her garden. I thought it was the most elegant house chore in the world. Now I am doing the same thing (I didn't use the basket though) and .....not bad!!! Oh, our picture from wedding suits very well with the roses :)
By the way, we are eating a lot of green lately. This is Rigatoni with Fava bean & Broccoli rabe tossed with truffle oil. We had it with French green beans with proschiutto. Mmmm very yummy. ところで、最近よく緑のお野菜をいただいています。これはリガトーニにそら豆とブロッコリーレイブを例のトリュフオイルで合えたもの。フレンチいんげんにプロシュートと一緒にいただきました。んー、おいしい。