Clearwater ビーチはとてもきれいでした。海はエメラルドブルーで水温も高いし、白い砂浜、気持ちのいい風…と最高。ほとんどパラソルの下で本を読んでいた私達ですが、青い空と風を満喫しました。ビーチ大好き。

The food was GREAT. Fresh seafood, tasty salad and appetizers...endless champagne, bloody mary and mimosa...they have a dessert room, too! Look how happy I look in the pic!
These are the dishes I had (well I forgot to take pics two other dishes:) and the lamp crab meat with light sauce in the martini glass was awesome. I won't tell you how many I had. :)
2900 Bayport Drive
Tampa, FL 33607-1479
(813) 207-6815
After we ate till we didn't want to see any more food for while, we went to a fishing pier to see this bridge. Looks like a roller coaster from the distance, doesn't it?
Me : "So what's new in the newspaper today?" I made a new friend.
We picked a Cuban restaurant for lunch. Pork with black beans was good with Sangria.
Columbia Restaurant
2117 East 7th Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 248-4961
I did all the work with my injured knee. I FELL DOWN when I was running the other day. I tripped over the crack of the pavement :( It was so embarrasing but nobody was around. Good thing I ran very early in that day. 負傷した膝をかかえてのお仕事でした。この間走ってる時に転んだんです。歩道のわれめにつまづいて。とっても恥ずかしかったけれど、誰も見てなかったのが救い。あの日朝早く走っといてよかった。傷が痛くて足が折れないので変な格好です。
Beautiful! 素晴らしい!
Now, we rented a BIG jack hammer and he broke the concrete. Look at this mess! He is saying, "Whew! I am exhausted!".
Next day, Junk King came and took all the concrete and old garage doors. Yeah!!
Now we are ready for putting flag stones! これでフラッグストーンを敷く用意ができました。
I was dealing with lighter objects in the house.
Greek Oregano is growing fast in my herb garden so I dried some.
It joined other spices in the spice drawer. 他のスパイスの仲間入りをしてスパイスの引き出しの中へ。
Hmmm…He needs a work suit...I don't want to wash these with my cute clothes!!!!
While Steven was doing messy job, I was appreciating our rose from our front yard. When I was a kid and watching a movie, I saw an English lady cutting and collecting her roses in the basket in her garden. I thought it was the most elegant house chore in the world. Now I am doing the same thing (I didn't use the basket though) and .....not bad!!! Oh, our picture from wedding suits very well with the roses :)
When I came back from an hour run, they already made holes, the column woods were in and ready for the cement! So fast!! They took only 4 to 5 hours to build this fence. Beautiful!
1時間のランニングから戻ってきたら柱になる木材を立てる穴が掘られてセメントを注ぐ段階になっていてびっくり。はやっ! 全部で4~5時間でフェンスを作り終えてました。さすがプロ。ナイスなフェンス。
My Shiso basil is doing well, too. Hope we can have some Shiso for my Japanese cooking.