Monday, May 31, 2010

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater beach was very beautiful. The water was emerald blue (and warm!), the sand was white and wind was warm. We were mostly reading books under the umbrella but enjoyed the blue sky, wind and the warm air. I LOVE BEACHES!
Clearwater ビーチはとてもきれいでした。海はエメラルドブルーで水温も高いし、白い砂浜、気持ちのいい風…と最高。ほとんどパラソルの下で本を読んでいた私達ですが、青い空と風を満喫しました。ビーチ大好き。

The restaurant there had a live music. We needed to drive back so had a mango smoothies. Delicious! How many shrimps and crabs did we have since we got Tampa? The answer: "A LOT."

Crabby Bills

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Brunch at Oystercathers

We heard Oystercatchers at Hyatt Hotel serves great Champagne Brunch so we needed to try. The restaurant stands by the water so had good view. I really like the wire birds on the wall at their entrance. I guess they are the "Oyster catchers".
Hyatt Hotel のOystercatchersというレストランのシャンパンブランチがすごいというので、行ってみました。レストランは海の側に建っていて、いい景色。入り口の壁にあった、針金でできた鳥達がとてもかわいかった。きっとこれがOyster catcherという鳥なのね。

The food was GREAT. Fresh seafood, tasty salad and appetizers...endless champagne, bloody mary and mimosa...they have a dessert room, too! Look how happy I look in the pic!

These are the dishes I had (well I forgot to take pics two other dishes:) and the lamp crab meat with light sauce in the martini glass was awesome. I won't tell you how many I had. :)

2900 Bayport Drive
Tampa, FL 33607-1479
(813) 207-6815

After we ate till we didn't want to see any more food for while, we went to a fishing pier to see this bridge. Looks like a roller coaster from the distance, doesn't it?

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tampa FL Trip, Ybor City

We are in Tampa, Florida. I joined Steven who was there for his biz trip and first place we went was Ybor City. It was founded in the 1880s by cigar manufacturers and was populated by Spanish, Cuban, and Italian people. One of the interesting things we learned in the info center were they had lectors sitting on a tall chair in the factories. The workers in the factory got educated while making cigars. They also had a health care program and...women got hired with the same pay rate as men! It is VERY amazing that it happened in 1880s considering it was only 1985 they started do the same thing in Japan! 100 years later....
フロリダのタンパに来ています。Memorial Dayの3連休なので、Stevenも出張先で暇しているということでお呼びがかかり、夕べ遅くににジョイントしました。最初に行ったのはYbor City. 1880年代に葉巻工場の開業でできた街で、スペイン人、イタリア人、キューバ人の移民が多く働いていました。インフォメーションセンターで学んだことで興味深かったのが、工場には講師がいて背の高い椅子に座ってレクチャーをしていたそう。だから工場の労働者は葉巻を作りながらそれを聞いて多くのことを学んだんだって。ヘルスケアシステムをしっかりしていた上、何と女性も男性も同じ賃金で働いていたんですって!1880年代にそういうことが起こっているなんて。日本なんて1985年ですよ。男女平等に支払われ始めたのは。この差100年!

Me : "So what's new in the newspaper today?" I made a new friend.

We picked a Cuban restaurant for lunch. Pork with black beans was good with Sangria.

Columbia Restaurant
2117 East 7th Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 248-4961

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Staining the fence

Well, I cannot cut nor break concrete with the scary tools but I CAN stain the fence! It took me three days but now we have dark colored nice fence.

I did all the work with my injured knee. I FELL DOWN when I was running the other day. I tripped over the crack of the pavement :( It was so embarrasing but nobody was around. Good thing I ran very early in that day. 負傷した膝をかかえてのお仕事でした。この間走ってる時に転んだんです。歩道のわれめにつまづいて。とっても恥ずかしかったけれど、誰も見てなかったのが救い。あの日朝早く走っといてよかった。傷が痛くて足が折れないので変な格好です。

Worked up an apetite. The Nagasaki crispy noodle with veggie gravy and lotus+carrot salad was gooooood ! 力仕事(?)でお腹が空いて、長崎皿うどんとレンコンとにんじんのサラダがおいしゅうございました。

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mikako and Brendan's Wedding

Mikako and Brendan's wedding started at the Roaring Camp Railroad Station in Santa Cruz. This place has good American wild west atmosphere. MikakoとBrendanの結婚式はSanta CruzのRoaring Campの駅から始まりました。ここは蒸気機関車にのってレッドウッド(セコイア杉)の森を探索できる場所です。ここは昔のアメリカのワイルドウェストの雰囲気を残した楽しい場所でもあります。

The chartered train left the station and 30 minute fun ride in the great Redwoods...Feel soooooo good! 結婚式の出席者を乗せた貸切の蒸気機関車は30分ほど、素晴らしいレッドウッドの森を走ります。あー、気持ちいい!

Destination is a little place with beautiful redwoods surrounded.

...and here comes the bride!!! The bridesmaids are her sisters, Kimi and Mariko. When they picked this wedding day, Mikako was so sweet and ask me to be her one of her bridesmaids since they treat me like their sister. I was honored but I thought I was too old for that but I should have said yes because their dresses and the shawls her mother, Jean knitted were simply GORGEOUS!!! Mikako's dress and Brendan's vest were made from old wedding kimono and they are beautiful! そして花嫁登場!bridesmaidsは妹のKimiMariko。結婚が決まった時、姉妹のように昔から仲良くしているという事でMikakoは私にもBridesmaidの一人になってと誘ってくれたのです。そういう風に思ってくれることがうれしかったのですが、さすがに年を取り過ぎていると思いお断りしました。でも今日のbridesmaidのドレスとお母さんのJeanが編んだおそろいのショールが何とも素敵だったので、受ければよかったなぁ、なんて思うほどでした。Mikakoのドレスは花嫁の打ち掛けをドレスに仕立て直したもの。Brendanのベストも残り布で作ってあるのでおそろいの孔雀の模様。素敵!
the pics above were taken by her cousin, Amber Gillespie.
この上の写真だけはMikakoの従兄弟、Amber Gillespieが撮ったもの。

After the ceremony, we took the train back to the station and went to a restaurant for the party.
Mikako and Brendan has been folding the cranes since they had met wishing their happiness following Japanese custom. Today, the cranes and the ones their friends (including me!) folded got together and decorated the venue. 式の後は又、汽車にのって駅に戻り、披露宴のためにレストランへ向かいます。MikakoとBrendanが出会った頃から、折り続けた鶴と友人達が折ったものを合わせ、千羽の鶴が会場を飾ります。

Mikako was named after me after my 3 week stay with her family when I was a college student. Now this Mikako got married on the same day I got married and weird thing is it was not intentional. She also caught the bouqet I thew on my wedding 5 years ago. And did I mention she was my bridesmaid? One more thing, I told her she looked like a mermaid in the dress and she said, "that's what I wanted!" Wait, being a mermaid was MY dream in my childhood!!! From all these things, I would say... we are spiritually connected.

5 years ago today, Mikako & I.

The patry was filled with laughter and happiness!

They are so sweet and cute! Wish their lives are full of happiness and fun!!

The moon joined the party later. Today is our 5 th anniversary.
Hope Mikako and Brendan will be happy like Mikako & Steven :)

Happy Anniversary, honey!!!

May 22, 2005 

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Steven removed the old garage doors. Looks like he has an idea.
First, he made a concrete base at the place the garage doors used to be.
Next, he made a frame, put support beams, and put a door in, then siding boards!

Beautiful! 素晴らしい!

Now, we rented a BIG jack hammer and he broke the concrete. Look at this mess! He is saying, "Whew! I am exhausted!".

Next day, Junk King came and took all the concrete and old garage doors. Yeah!!

Now we are ready for putting flag stones! これでフラッグストーンを敷く用意ができました。

I was dealing with lighter objects in the house.
Greek Oregano is growing fast in my herb garden so I dried some.

It joined other spices in the spice drawer. 他のスパイスの仲間入りをしてスパイスの引き出しの中へ。

Need some snack...How about avocado dip and baguette?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bay to Breakers 2010

I had fun at the race. The time was 1:17:09 and the pace was slower than usual because of the Hayes Street Hill!! I thought I was going to faint at the top of the hill. Sumiko ran with me on the hill so I made it somehow. It is just fun to participate this race. looking at the costumes or no costumes :) Next year is 100 th race so we are going to make some special costume. Steven drove (& back) me to San Francisco so I was able to relax before & after the race. Had brunch with Bruce, Sumiko & us at Cafe Rigolo.
文字通り楽しめたレースでした。タイムは1時間17分9秒とちっとも速くはないのですが、あのHayes Streetの坂があるもの、しょうがないです。坂の上に来た時はフラフラでした。すみ子さんが坂の部分を一緒に走ってくれたので何とか登り終えた感じでした。このレースはとにかく参加するだけで楽しい。奇抜なコスチューム、又はコスチュームなし(靴をはいているだけ)の人達を見るのがおもしろい。来年は100周年。私達も何か特別なコスチュームで走ろうと計画中。Stevenが運転してくれたのでレースの前後にリラックスできた助かりました。レース後はBruce, すみ子さん、と私達の4人でCafe Rigoloでブランチしました。

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Breaking concrete

Steven succeeded in cutting concrete yesterday so now time to break them. We borrowed a jackhammer from our kind neighbor and here he goes. Again, I am amazed by his remarkable abilities to get things done. I always hesitate doing (even it is something I don't have to be involved) something new. Not Steven. He is always confident about what he is going to do even if he hasn't done before. Of course he plans very well and investigates before hand but most of it came from his father who does EVERYTHING by himself. When his father showed his patio, kitchen, windows, sun room , garage in his house which he made, I couldn't believe he did all those because everything looked professional...Like father, like son.

Measuring to make sure he did right.

In spite of the hideous noise and dust, inside the house is peaceful :) We got a sweet pea at farmer's market this morning. ひどい騒音と埃がする一方、うちの中はおだやか。今朝ファーマーズマーケットで買ったスウィートピーがかわいいでしょ。

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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Cutting concrete

We have a nice breezeway with ugly concrete floor so decided to make it Arizona flagstone this! 我が家のブリーズウェイの床がボロボロなので、アリゾナフラッグストーンという石を使って素敵なパティオを作ることにしました。こういう感じになればいいなあ。
First thing first, we needed to break the ugly concrete. Steven wants to make garage door nicer so he is working on both projects. 最初にすることはそのコンクリートを壊すこと。Stevenはパティオに続くガレージのドアなどもやりかえたいらしい(私はガレージなんてどうでもいいんだけど。)ので、同時進行です。

We rented a concrete saw and he is cutting the floor! First, the water didn't come out from the hose so terrible concrete dust all over. Cannot see anything!! Then the water hose worked and the view is clear but wow it was soooo noisy! Steven had ear plugs on so hope he is OK... コンクリートを切る電動ノコギリをレンタルして、さあ始め!最初はホースから水が出なかったのかすごい粉塵があがって何も見えない。その後ホースがうまく作動して視界はクリアですが、振動と音がすごい。耳栓をしているけれど、Steven大丈夫かな。

Hope he won't go deaf. 

"what?" 「え?」

Hmmm…He needs a work suit...I don't want to wash these with my cute clothes!!!!

While Steven was doing messy job, I was appreciating our rose from our front yard. When I was a kid and watching a movie, I saw an English lady cutting and collecting her roses in the basket in her garden. I thought it was the most elegant house chore in the world. Now I am doing the same thing (I didn't use the basket though) and .....not bad!!! Oh, our picture from wedding suits very well with the roses :)

By the way, we are eating a lot of green lately. This is Rigatoni with Fava bean & Broccoli rabe tossed with truffle oil. We had it with French green beans with proschiutto. Mmmm very yummy. ところで、最近よく緑のお野菜をいただいています。これはリガトーニにそら豆とブロッコリーレイブを例のトリュフオイルで合えたもの。フレンチいんげんにプロシュートと一緒にいただきました。んー、おいしい。

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Friday, May 07, 2010

Chiku Chiku Sale

Look what I got at Chiku Chiku Sale today! Blue and white ceramic plates and...
念願のChiku Chiku セールで買ったもの。青と白の陶磁器プレートと…

Konahiki ceramic bowls. I love this grayish white color. I have just fell in love these plates and bowls and couldn't leave without them. 粉引きの中皿。お向こうにぴったりのサイズ。このグレイがかった白さがいいなあ。このお2人の作品に一目ぼれをして買わずには帰れなかった。
Before I used these bowls, I put them in a pot of rice water and brought it to a boil. This is to seal the surface of the bowls and prevent food stains. Couldn't wait to use at dinner.
Chiku Chiku Sale is a craft sale held by a group of talented Japanese ladies in the Bay Area. I missed the sale two years ago but made it this time.
Chiku Chikuセールはベイエリアのアートの才能にあふれた日本人女性のグループが行うセールです。2年前にあったときに行けなくてとても残念だったので今回、願いが叶いました。
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

New Fence

It was 7:30 in the morning and I was about go for a run. The big truck with lumber parked in our driveway. Yes, we are having new fence today!

When I came back from an hour run, they already made holes, the column woods were in and ready for the cement! So fast!! They took only 4 to 5 hours to build this fence. Beautiful!
1時間のランニングから戻ってきたら柱になる木材を立てる穴が掘られてセメントを注ぐ段階になっていてびっくり。はやっ! 全部で4~5時間でフェンスを作り終えてました。さすがプロ。ナイスなフェンス。

My Shiso basil is doing well, too. Hope we can have some Shiso for my Japanese cooking.

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