Saturday, February 28, 2009

Busy Saturday

It was a busy Saturday... 忙しい土曜日でした。
Went to Kara's cup cake to get some for our friends and we of course got some for ourselves, too. These are our mini cup cakes. I usually don't like cup cakes because most of them are too sweet or too heavy but theirs are different. Oh they were light and not so sweet. The cream/chocolate on top is silky smooth and tasty! I loved the Fluer de sel, which has dark chocolate with salt on tio. They became our breakfast with coffe at Peet's Coffee.
Kara's cup cakeへお友達へのお土産を買いに行く。もちろん私達の分も買いました。これが私達の分のミニカップケーキ。カップケーキは通常甘すぎたり重すぎたりであまり好きではないのですが、ここのは違う!軽くて甘すぎずおいしい。ケーキの上のチョコレートやクリームはとても滑らかで舌の上で溶ける!Fluer de selがお気に入り。ダークチョコレートの上におフランスのお塩がのっています。Peet's Coffeeでコーヒーと一緒に朝ごはんとなりました。

Kara's Cupcakes
855 El Camino Real, Suite 50
Palo Alto, California 94301
P 650 326-CAKE (2253)

Went to Pottery barn Kid's to get birthday present for Steven's friend's baby.
Pottery barn Kid's へStevenの友人の赤ちゃんの誕生日プレゼントを買いに行く。

Arrived San Francisco for baby's birthday party. He is only one year old so had confused look in a lot of people. Had good pizza!

Went to Green Apple to see used books and CDs. I got Towa tei's CD. It was only $8.50! I am listening right now and I like it a lot.
Green Appleへ古本、古CDを見に。Towa teiのこのCDをたったの$8.50で手に入れました。今、聞いているけれどかなりいい。

Visited our friends with the cup cakes and chatted for a few hours. Were also searching restaurants in San Francisco. So many restaurants we would like to go.

Saw another friend in San Francisco and went to an Italian restaurant, Vivande. Their home made pasta were great. Not cooked too much and good texture of the noodle. These are the dishes I had for dinner. Steamed clam with White wine. (I thought it came with pasta but I was wrong so ordered pasta and had them together.) Prosciutto and parmesan reggiano with a madeila marinated fig. Loved the prosciutto...not too salty and soft, not stringy. The dessert was their famous bread pudding on custard cream sauce. Of course it was great.

2125 Fillmore St
San Francisco, CA 94115

Walking around the Filmore street area. A lot of stores/restaurants are come and go.


Meat day and Fish day at home this week. 今週のお肉の日とお魚の日。

We got a HUGE tender loin so I followed this video, Good Eats episode about how to cut and cook tender loin. Our favourite chef Alton Brown was right. This steak with cream brandy sauce was out of world! (Mushroom is my addition.) ビーフテンダーロインの巨大なかたまりが手に入ったので、このGoodEatsというテレビの料理番組のビデオを見て、お肉の切り落とし方、料理の仕方を忠実に守りながら作りました。私達のお気に入りシェフ、Alton Brownは正しかった。クリームソースのとんでもなくおいしいステーキができあがり。椎茸は私の追加です。

This is Sea bass from Framer's market. Followed this recipe. The sauce has Madella wine, enoki mushroom and onion. Hard to brown fish without cooking too much. I did good on this. すずきはマーケットから。このレシピで作りました。ソースはマデイラ酒、えのき、玉ねぎで作ります。お魚をちょっと焦がして色をつけながらも焼きすぎないというのは難しい。これはまあまあのできでした。

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