Saturday, February 28, 2009

Busy Saturday

It was a busy Saturday... 忙しい土曜日でした。
Went to Kara's cup cake to get some for our friends and we of course got some for ourselves, too. These are our mini cup cakes. I usually don't like cup cakes because most of them are too sweet or too heavy but theirs are different. Oh they were light and not so sweet. The cream/chocolate on top is silky smooth and tasty! I loved the Fluer de sel, which has dark chocolate with salt on tio. They became our breakfast with coffe at Peet's Coffee.
Kara's cup cakeへお友達へのお土産を買いに行く。もちろん私達の分も買いました。これが私達の分のミニカップケーキ。カップケーキは通常甘すぎたり重すぎたりであまり好きではないのですが、ここのは違う!軽くて甘すぎずおいしい。ケーキの上のチョコレートやクリームはとても滑らかで舌の上で溶ける!Fluer de selがお気に入り。ダークチョコレートの上におフランスのお塩がのっています。Peet's Coffeeでコーヒーと一緒に朝ごはんとなりました。

Kara's Cupcakes
855 El Camino Real, Suite 50
Palo Alto, California 94301
P 650 326-CAKE (2253)

Went to Pottery barn Kid's to get birthday present for Steven's friend's baby.
Pottery barn Kid's へStevenの友人の赤ちゃんの誕生日プレゼントを買いに行く。

Arrived San Francisco for baby's birthday party. He is only one year old so had confused look in a lot of people. Had good pizza!

Went to Green Apple to see used books and CDs. I got Towa tei's CD. It was only $8.50! I am listening right now and I like it a lot.
Green Appleへ古本、古CDを見に。Towa teiのこのCDをたったの$8.50で手に入れました。今、聞いているけれどかなりいい。

Visited our friends with the cup cakes and chatted for a few hours. Were also searching restaurants in San Francisco. So many restaurants we would like to go.

Saw another friend in San Francisco and went to an Italian restaurant, Vivande. Their home made pasta were great. Not cooked too much and good texture of the noodle. These are the dishes I had for dinner. Steamed clam with White wine. (I thought it came with pasta but I was wrong so ordered pasta and had them together.) Prosciutto and parmesan reggiano with a madeila marinated fig. Loved the prosciutto...not too salty and soft, not stringy. The dessert was their famous bread pudding on custard cream sauce. Of course it was great.

2125 Fillmore St
San Francisco, CA 94115

Walking around the Filmore street area. A lot of stores/restaurants are come and go.


Meat day and Fish day at home this week. 今週のお肉の日とお魚の日。

We got a HUGE tender loin so I followed this video, Good Eats episode about how to cut and cook tender loin. Our favourite chef Alton Brown was right. This steak with cream brandy sauce was out of world! (Mushroom is my addition.) ビーフテンダーロインの巨大なかたまりが手に入ったので、このGoodEatsというテレビの料理番組のビデオを見て、お肉の切り落とし方、料理の仕方を忠実に守りながら作りました。私達のお気に入りシェフ、Alton Brownは正しかった。クリームソースのとんでもなくおいしいステーキができあがり。椎茸は私の追加です。

This is Sea bass from Framer's market. Followed this recipe. The sauce has Madella wine, enoki mushroom and onion. Hard to brown fish without cooking too much. I did good on this. すずきはマーケットから。このレシピで作りました。ソースはマデイラ酒、えのき、玉ねぎで作ります。お魚をちょっと焦がして色をつけながらも焼きすぎないというのは難しい。これはまあまあのできでした。

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Thursday, February 26, 2009


Have been attending a watercolor class once a week for 3 month. I took some art classes in UCSC and Cabrillo College when I was a full time student and I loved them. I wanted to start again and now drawing once a week! This is my latest work, peony. I picked a difficult subject as a beginner. The teacher looked at my peony sketch and said, "Oh, you are ambitious!" but she liked it when I was done. I just wanted to draw something I really like.

I also did trees, water fall, and door, too. Three more classes to go. 他には木、滝、ドアなども描きました。クラスはあと三回で終了。

Now, this is the meal I had before I went to the class. Chinese green+ground chicken +onion+shrimp sauté. さて、これはクラスへ行く前に食べた、チャイニーズグリーン(細いブロッコリーみたいな野菜)+鶏ミンチ+玉ねぎ+海老のソテー。
Lunch next day, natto daikon soba. 次の日のランチは納豆と大根おろしのおそば。

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oden Party

I have been cooking oden (stewed veggies and fish balls and so on) for 2.5 days. Took a long time because...2日半かけておでんを作っています。長すぎる?だって…

I was stewing suji, beef tendons. Oh, it looks good...melting soft. I know I am cooking a lot of it because....牛すじを煮ているからです。おいしそうでしょ。トロトロに溶けそうです。たくさん作りすぎ?だって…
We had an Oden party at Sumiko san's place. すみ子さん宅でおでんパーティーをしたからです。
I also baked some macha+cherry cookies. 抹茶+ドライチェリークッキーも焼きました。

This is Sumiko san's Tokyo oden. It had out-of-this-world-Tsumire (sardines+bay scallops balls) she made from scratch. Ohhhh, was delicious.これはすみ子さん作の東京おでん。彼女が作ったつみれはとんでもなくおいしかった。

Mine was supposed to be a West Japan Oden. I don't know if it fell in the category but I put tendons so I guess you can say it is. わたしのは関西風おでんのつもり。本当にそうなってるかはわからないけど、牛すじが入っているので良しとしよう。

The guests brought tasty dishes and a lot of food on the table!

We had great music, drink, food and chat. Had a lot of fun. いい音楽、お酒、食べ物、そしておしゃべり。とても楽しい週末になりました。

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fresh Pastas

The fresh pasta from Farmer's market was very good the other day, we tried some more different pastas. この間食べたFarmer's Marketの生パスタがとてもおいしかったので、他の種類も試してみました。
Click pictures to enlarge. 写真をクリックすると拡大します。

These are shell shaped ones. I add ground chicken, shiitake mushrooms and onions in white wine sauce. The salad was steamed asparagus, hard boild eggs and anchovies+mayo and yogurt dressing. これはシェル型の。鶏の挽肉、椎茸、玉ねぎを白ワインソースで。サラダは蒸したアスパラ、ゆで玉子、アンチョビをマヨネーズとヨーグルトを混ぜたドレッシングをかけました。

The other day, we bought three kind of fettuccine in one package. Fun to have different kinds at the same time but they need to be boiled in three separate pans and kinda need to have three different sauce since they are different flavored pasta. I did...
Tomato flavored pasta +anchovy, button mush room, capers in white wine
Spinach flavored one+smoked chicken, shiitake mushroom in cream sauce
plain one+basil pesto
The salad was tofu, cucumber and carrot with shallot and soy sauce dressing.
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Dinner

Made a dinner for Valentine's day. This is an appetizer plate; smoked salmon rolls with cream cheese topped with orange and green onion, small salad with Parmesan cheese crisp, and shrimp and avocado cocktail with consommé gelée. I liked the consommé gelée which was made with chicken soup, a little bit of soy sauce and gelatin. I poured an egg white during the soup was cooking so that it sucked all the unwanted fat and scum and made the soup clear. The egg white was removed afterwards. The cheese crisp was good and easy to make...just shred some parmesano ressano, shape it round and bake them 325 degree oven for 8 minutes.

Oysters from a Farmer's market this morning are also part of the dinner. The sauce is shallot, red wine vinegar, tomato, black pepper and a dash of sugar. It was fresh and so tasty.

Now main dish, La recette du civet de sanglier (wild boar meat stewed in red wine) which took me three days to make. It was worth it because Steven loved it and so did I. The sauce was incredibly good. The veggies and meat gave it nice complicated and rich taste.

Dessert is chocolate fondue with heart shaped strawberries and ice cream. Valentine cannot be spent without chocolate.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

La recette du civet de sanglier

I wanted to make this dish, wild boar stew in red wine ever since we had it in Paris last year. The reasons why it took me a long time are, one:I couldn't find wild boar meat anywhere and two: it takes three days to make. However I found a meat store that has wild boar meat and I can do this for a "special" Valentine dinner.

Dittmers Gourmet Meats (お肉屋さん)
400 San Antonio Rd
Mountain View, CA

Day 1: (一日目)
1.Found the meat! イノシシ肉を見つけた!
2. Cut veggies and meat and marinate them in red wine with herbs. Keep it in the fridge for a night. 野菜とお肉を切って、ハーブと共にワインの中に漬け込む。冷蔵庫で一晩おく。
Day 2: (二日目)
4.Separate veggies and meat from the wine marinade. 野菜とお肉をワインから分けて上げる。
3.Fry pancetta and put the veggies and fry them. パンチェッタ(イタリアのベーコン)を炒め、それで野菜を炒める。

5.Roast the meat in the different pan to brown them. 別のフライパンでお肉をロースト、焦げ目をつける。
6.Put the veggies and meat in the wine marinade and bring it to boil. 炒めたお野菜とお肉をワインにもどし、沸騰させる。
7.Put the casserole in the oven at 390F for 1.5 hours. 200度のオーブンので1.5時間煮込む。
8. Oh, it's cooked but it is not ready yet. Take it from the oven and let it stand till it becomes room temperature and put it in the fridge overnight. Good night! あー、煮えました。が、まだ。オーブンから出して室温になるまで蒸らし、その後冷蔵庫で一晩おく。おやすみなさ~い。

Day3 (3日目):The fat has risen up to the top so take it out with a small spoon and heat up on the stove slowly and cooked for another 40 minutes and done! I will show you the finishing picture tomorrow. 油が上がってきてるので、小さいスプーンで取り除きゆっくり温め、40分くらい再び煮込んで出来上がり!できあがりの写真は明日。

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Hina dolls

I displayed my hina dolls for Hina festival. I am supposed to do this every year but I couldn't last year because I was in Rio. :) They have been nice and quiet in the box. I uncovered the dolls one by one and felt like I heard my mom say "Don't touch the dolls' faces!". That's what she said every time we did this in Japan. My fingers may dirt their pure white faces so I was careful this time, too, mom.

Princess:"Whew, now I can breath. What is Mikako thinking? We've been in the box for 2 years!" Sorry, princess.

Now everybody is out and happy. They are sunbathing. Princess:"I am sure sunbathing in Rio is much better than this!" Me: I said I was sorry!!
さあ、みんな箱の外に出て幸せそう。日光浴をしています。お雛様「ったく、リオの日光浴はこれよりずっとよかったんでしょうね。」 ちょっと、ごめんって言ったじゃない!

Girl A:"How have you been?" Girl B:"I've been OK. I was just missing the sun."
Girls, it was only 2 years and you have sleeping hair, girl A.

Here!  ココ!

Girl C:"You haven't called me or emailed me for long time. Don't tell me you don't have Internet at home." BoyA:"I was busy...."

5 musician boys started a practice session. 5人囃子は音あわせを始めたようです。
"One,, two, three, four..."♪♪

Now everybody is in the place. Good looking, guys!

Well, they are on a rack in the living room so cats cannot get them.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Japanese food and Takoyaki

Japanese food day. We had Tuna&Natto, Grilled Hamachi kama(meat around color bone of Yellow tail )& grated daikon, pickled veggies, stewed burdock & carrot (no pic) and brown rice(no pic). I am so glad that my American husband likes daily Japanese food like Hamachi kama. It smells strong so many people don't like it. This one had a lot of fish fat so was juicy and tasty.

Another Japanese daily food, Takoyaki. I purchased this Takoyaki pan for only $3 from a Japanese lady who prefers electric one. I cut octopus and green onions, mixed flour and broth and poured it in the pan. "Oh, it looks and smells gooooood!" I thought. もうひとつ日常の和食、たこ焼き。何と$3でこのたこ焼き器を手に入れたの。電気たこ焼き器のほうが簡単なのでこれはもういらないという日本人の女性から買いました。たことおネギを切って、小麦粉とだしをあわせて、たこ焼き器に流し込む。「あ、いい感じ、においもいいなあ!」と思った。

But...  でも…

They didn't get cooked! I was sitting by the pan for 20 minutes and the dumplings were still runny. I managed to flip them but the shape was terrible. Steven said "They are good!" but I knew he was being nice. I thought "Man, this $3 pan doesn't work. That's why that lady wanted to get rid of this!!" and I thought again "Maybe the heat was too weak?" I was standing and staring at the pan holding my flipping tool.
Then... すると…

The cup I mixed egg in came into my sight....."Oh, I forgot adding eggs!! "

After I added the egg, the takoyaki pan worked like a charm! Sorry, takoyaki pan and the lady who sold it to me! I blamed on you, guys but it was my fault. The takoyaki with egg were VERY good. I just wished that I could have had them before I have eaten a dozen of failures...

These are radish leaves I am drying in the kitchen. It will be a good ingredient for miso soup.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

You can become like Obama!

This is an iconic poster that was used for the election. Designed by and very impressive poster.
これは去年の選挙の時よく目にしたShepard Faireyというアーティストのポスター。とてもいい。

Now you can be like him at this site. Upload pictures and adjust the balance of the three color. My picture came out good! Kibou=Hope.

Steven's is also nice with his secret nickname, Stee. :) StevenのもなかなかSteeは彼の秘密のニックネーム。:)

We try to eat healthy so one night, we had only roasted veggies-cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes, french potatoes and brussel sprouts. We love sweet potatoes a lot. They are sweet and tasty and also rich in Vitamin C! なるべくヘルシーな食生活をするように心がけています。ある日はこのようにローストしたお野菜の夕ご飯。さつまいも、芽キャベツ、小さいポテト、人参、カリフラワー。さつまいもがあまくておいしい。ビタミンCが豊富らしいのでなおさらよろし。

Next day of the healthy dinner, we had "all you can eat hot pot and BBQ". We had hot broth and regular broth in a divided pot in the center. There is a grill part around the pot and you can BBQ on it. What a concept! It was a lot of fun to cook on the table. そんなヘルシーな夕飯の次の日はお鍋+焼肉バッフェへ。まんなかのお鍋は辛い/普通の2種類のスープになっていて、そのまわりで焼き肉ができるというよくばりな仕様。食べながら作るのって楽しい。

(All the pics are from Yelp. 写真は全てYelpから)

Hot pot City

Address : 500 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA.95035
Telephone : 408.428.0988

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