Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another stencil and pasta

I did another stencil on my old shirt. They are supposed to be coral but look like branches...I needed made them thicker, I guess. Well, I like plants patterns so it it ok like this, too!

We went to a Farmer's Market in Mountain View last Saturday and got fresh pasta with herbs. The great pasta we had at CHIAROSCURO possessed our minds and we were need-to eat-pasta syndrome. I made this with mushroom, dried porcini mushroom. I also used the water I soaked the porcini in. The pasta was very tasty with the aroma of herb. I want to try other pastas the vendor has.
Mountain Viewのファーマーズマーケットでハーブの生パスタを買いました。CHIAROSCUROで食べたパスタ  があまりにもおいしく、私達にとりついていたので、パスタ食べたい病だったのです。マッシュルームと干しポルチーニ茸でこれを作りました。ポルチーニを戻したお水も使いました。パスタに練りこんであるハーブの香りがよくおいしかった。あのベンダーが売っている他のも試して見たい。