Went to Rodan museum with Anna. アナと一緒にロダン美術館へ。
It was rainy AND windy so even using an umbrella was hard...There is a beautiful garden which has a lot of Rodan's art works but couldn't see them all because of the weather. The museum was a beautiful building Rodan used to use so I was imagining Rodan is working on his statue in the room.

Basque food for dinner. Ohhhh, we loved this Basque restaurant, Auberge Etchegorry.
Auberge means small hotel so this is the restaurant in a small hotel. バスク料理で夕食。オーベルジュ エチェゴリーというレストラン。オーベルジュというくらいだから小さいホテルとくっついているのでしょう。
The red and black exterior was very cute! 赤と黒の外装がかわいらしい。
Inside was also homey and welcoming. レストラン内も暖かいウェルカムムード。
The sausages, garlic and peppers are hanging from the ceiling.
The Baque apetizer sampler with small salad (came with smoked salmon, duck, melon and foigras) was great. Steven ordered "usual" casoulette, mine was foigras filling duck sauted with red wine and grapes. Mmmmm, I liked this combination of saltiness and a little sweetness VERY MUCH! The dessert, apple pie was a different than usual apple pie. The pie crust is very thin and flaky, the apple inside is not too sweet and it matched with vanila bean ice cream perfectly!!

Auberge Etchegorry
41, Rue Croulebarbe
75013 Paris, France
01 44 08 83 51