Another wet day in Paris. Decided to go to Louvre. I knew I don't have enough time to go through all of them so focused on the ds on the 2nd and 3rd floor.パリは又、雨降り。今日はルーブル美術館へ行くことに決める。全部見るには時間が(気力もね。)ないとわかっていたので、2階と3階の絵画中心にまわる。
Even I focused on the paintings, my favourite in Louvre was The goddess of Victory (Nike). I was moved by the strength coming from the goddess statue. I took a lot of pictures of it and noticed that it looks more powerful from the right down angle. 絵画中心に回ったけれど一番好きだったのはサモトラケのニケ。その女神像から出ている強さと迫力に感動しました。たくさん写真をとったけれど右下からのアングルから見るとさらに力強い。
Even I spent almost 3 hours, I think I didn't finish even 1/3 of the exhibitions so I will come back here someday for sure. I may spent some times under this statue with my sketch book. 3時間すごしても3分の1も見終わらなかったから又、いつか来ます。今度はスケッチブック持ってこの像の下で過ごすかも。
"Little" lunch at Le Comptoir. The food was good and I also really enjoyed their dark orange based decoration.The hot mint tea came in a shot glass and has pine nuts. Very interesting.
”ちょっと”お昼ご飯をLe Comptoirで。食事もおいしかったけどここのダークオレンジ色ベースの内装がとてもよかった。最後のホットミントティーはショットグラスで出てきて、松の実が浮かんでいました。おもしろい。

Le Comptoir
37, Rue Berger, Paris
37, Rue Berger, Paris
+33 1 40 26 26 66
OK, keep destination is National Museum of Modern Art at Pompidou Center. I was very happy here because I saw a lot of Matisse. Color, color, color!!! The Matisse always makes me want to draw something...I don't do oil painting so it is hard to express richness of the color but I may be able to do it with fabrics!! さて、続けていきましょう!次はポンピドゥーセンターにあるNational Museum of Modern Art へ。マチスをたくさん見られたので大満足。色、色、色!マチスを見ると私も何か描きたくなる。私は油彩をしないのでこのリッチな色を表現するのはむずかしいなあ。でも布でだったらできるかもね。
Next one is Picasso museum. I got lost and finally found it after 45 minutes walking and I saw the sign on the door said,"we are temporary closing for a week." Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
After that, I went to Steven's office to go to dinner with him at Il Giramondo. I heard this restaurant serves great Italian food especially "al dente" pasta. I have been having hard time finding the restaurant can do "al dente" outside Japan (Japanese people are VERY serious about the how their noodle get done so you can have al dente pasta in the most of the Italian restaurants in Japan.) so when I heard somebody does "al dente" pasta, I HAVE TO GO! その後はオフィスへStevenを迎えに行き、Il Giramondoというレストランへ夕食に。このレストラン、とてもおいしいイタリアンを出し、確実にアルデンテでパスタをサーブするということを耳にした。アメリカに住んで10年。アルデンテを出すレストランを日本の国外で探すのにとても苦労しています。(日本人は麺にはとてもうるさいので、日本のほとんどのイタリアンレストランでアルデンテが楽しめますね。)だからそれが食べられると聞けば、行くしかない!
The Italian wine Steven chose was called "Il talgo" and IT WAS WONDERFUL. He got a glass og it but I didn't order the wine because I was tired after all the walking and I knew I get drunk so easily in this condition. HOWEVER, the nice waiter poured a little bit into my glass and said "Just tasting!" It was so good that we want to buy it before we leave but no wine shop had this brand.
We ordered eggplant Parmesan, basil+Parmesan spaghetti, seafood linguine and tiramisu for dessert. It WAS al dente!! The rumor was right! The eggplant was baked, not deep fried so it was not oily at all. The sauce of the seafood pasta was a tiny bit too salty but had a deep rich flavor of the ocean so I loved it. I strongly recommend this restaurant. Stevenが選んだ"Il talgo" というイタリアンワインはすごくおいしかった。彼はこれをグラスで、私は今日はずっと歩き回って疲れていたのでこの状態で飲むと悪酔いするとわかっていたので注文しなかった。でもウェイターがとても親切で、「味見だけね」と私のグラスにも少し注いでくれたのでいただきました。あ~すごくおいしかった。帰る前にこれを買っていこうと何軒もワイン店をまわったけど見つけられなかった。

175, Rue Grenelle
75007 Paris, France
+33 1 45 51 10 65
+33 1 45 51 10 65