Our friends, Sacha and Anna invited me to go to Canal St-Martin since Steven is working today, Saturday. The canal was very beautiful. The ships go on the canal but they need to wait till the section fills up with water to make the same level with the next section so it takes long time to go on. I thought it is nice to wait and watch the water filling but NOT in winter. I would take this boat tour when we come in good weather. 友人のサーシャとアナがセントマーティン運河へ行くのに誘ってくれました。Stevenは土曜のなのにお仕事でこれなくて残念。運河は小さな川のようで、寒い霧の朝の中でとてもきれいでした。
We walked along the canal and stopped at the Hotel du Nord from the movie Hotel du Nord to take a picture. 運河にそって歩き、町を散策。途中で映画、北ホテルの舞台、Hotel du Nord の写真をとったり…
This is the Cafe Sesame along the canal and I had cottage cheese spread & marinated eggplant sandwich. Very good! こんなカフェでランチをしたりしました。私はコテージチーズとなすのサンドイッチをいただきました。おいしい!
This is Sacha and Anna standing in front of big globe at Science Museum. サイエンス博物館にある大きな球の前でほほえむサーシャとアナ。
In unexpected not-so-cold weather, the walking in the canal town was a lot of fun. I left them there and went to Seven's office to have dinner together at Ziti (Italian again..) Even it was after 10PM, we had no problem getting dinner because a lot of restaurants serve full dinner till 1AM in Paris. If this is San Francisco, the waiters come and ask your last order around 9:30pm.u