Himeji Castle. Steven had been talking about this castle for 6 years and finally went there together. When he was there for the first time, the Sakura was full bloomed but this time was a little too early for that. Although we were able to see some sakura and the castle was amazing.
The castle has the second name, "white heron castle" and it was beautiful like its name.

After we enjoyed the beautiful castle, we had a lucn at Shoan where you can see an old Japanese style house. The food were healthy vegetable dishes and felt like we were visiting some body's private house for lunch. Very homey.

The place we arrived were...
Shosha Zan Engyo Ji. We walked to the main gate for 20 minutes in the mountain road looking down to the amazing views. The sign at the start point says "While people are walking on the mountain road, their spirits get purified ." Walking on slope with beautiful views and clean air really feels like it.
Mani Den is the main building of this temple. The huge building makes you say "wow!" without a doubt.
After walked a little bit from Mani Do, you can see three buildings, Daiko Do, Jiki Do and Jogyo Do where "Last Samurai" was filmed at. もう少し歩いて行くと「ラストサムライ」を撮った大講堂、 食堂、常行堂が見えてきます。
At Juki Do they were asking donation to fix their roof. You pay 1000 yen ($12) and write your wish and name on a ceder plank and it is going to be a part of the temple!! I thought it was a very cool way to do donation. I wished "peace in the house/family". I hadn't done calligraphy with a brush for a long time so the letters were not pretty but it was OK, wasn't it?
See, Ken san and Tom were here.
We stopped at overlook before we left the mountain. What a great place!