Friday, October 31, 2008

NY 2 :Halloween in The Village

Happy Halloween! We went to Greenwich Village for Halloween. First we had GREAT pizza at Bleecker Street Pizza. Their crust is thin and crispy. The mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce is out of this world!! We also had hot dogs with Korean flavored beef, Bulgogi at NY hot dog & Coffee because we were still hungry. Look also how we dressed our hats for Halloween. Steven has horns and a bat. I have happy pumpkin guys! ハロウィーンの日。グリニッジビレッジへ行った私達はまずは腹ごしらえ。Bleecker Street Pizzaですごくおいしいピザをいただきました。ピザ台がすごく薄くてカリカリしていて、モッツアレラチーズとトマトソースがまあおいしい!その後まだお腹すいてたのでブルコギとソーセージをのせた変わったホットドッグにもトライしました。例のハロウィーン帽子も見て!Stevenは角とこうもり、私のはハッピーかぼちゃ君達がついてます。 Bleecker Street Pizza
69 Seventh Avenue South
New York 10014

You ask "so where are the parade pics?" Well, we tried to go to the street to see it but we couldn't get it because sooooo many people were there. That's OK because we enjoyed the people on the street.
We walked to Times Square but my legs started to hurt so took subway from there. I was wearing "I love NY" Tshirt which Makiko got me from her NY trip. Times Squareまでは歩けたけどそこからは足が痛くなってきたので地下鉄に乗って帰りました。このあいだ麻紀子さんからNYみやげにいただいたI love NYのTシャツを着てたのよ。

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