Friday, November 05, 2010

East Coast Trip - Philly 6

Dad has some funny mag cups. My favorite is this. I guess he got it for his 70th birthday from friends...
お義父さん家にはジョークの書いてあるマグカップがいくつかあるのですが、私のお気に入りはこれ。「私はCRSという病気にかかっています。Can't Remember Shit」きっと70歳の誕生日にでも貰ったんでしょう。

Took some pictures before we left.

We love listening to Dad's life stories. They are so funny and I sometimes need to ask "Are you making that up?" Some of them ate too funny to be true. I could write down the stories here but it would not be as funny as you hear from Dad so we will visit him again to listen to them!!