Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

I woke up Steven at 6:30am Thanksgiving morning and then ran the Turkey Trot 10K race. Can you see my cute Turkey cap?

During my run, I was thinking about Thanksgiving dinner preparation...Hmmm...there are so many things I need to do...and I saw Steven waved at me on our street. The course runs 1 block from our house...Mmmmm, I have one more mile to finish....but preparation.....and I stopped there. Well, this is just fun so don't have to finish...or, you can call me lazy:)

Then, started cooking.

At 3:30pm, the dinner was ready!!

First, appetizer. Dungeness Crab Salad with Cucumber Jelly from French Laundry recipe. I kept some crab for this dish when I got from Half moon bay. Cucumber jelly was very pretty....and of course it was delicious.
最初はカニのクリーム和えをきゅうりのジュレの上に乗せたもの。French Laundryというフレンチレストランのレシピです。おとといハーフムーンベイで買ったカニちゃんをこのために残してあったのさ。お味はもちろん、素晴らしかったです。

Gravy with Marsala wine and mushroom
Brined roasted Turkey legs
Ciabatta bread+Chestnut +bacon dressing
grilled acorn squash and Brussels sprouts
cranberry sauce
Steven's mashed potato with leek
Pillsbury Crescent rolls (he he hee...)

Acorn squashと芽キャベツのロースト

Bon apettit!

Dessert was mini pumpkin cheesecake and mini berry tart.

We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving dinner this year.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crab season & Thanksgiving prearation

Crab seasons has started and I went to Half moon bay to get some local LIVE ones. It was raining and not so fun to drive for an hour but I made it. I found a boat with full of live crabs and bought 2 big crabs $10. $10?! When I heard it, I thought he meant $10 each but it was the price for both. Wow. Fresh caught live crabs. This is benefit buying from fisherman's directly. I put them in the ice full of cooler. I went to San Francisco after that so the crabs were sleeping in the cooler for a while.
カニのシーズンになったので、ローカルの活きのいいのを買うためにハーフムーンベイまで行ってきました。雨も降っていたので1時間も運転していくのはあまり楽しくはなかったけど、とにかく行ってみたかったので。船一杯のカニを積んだ漁師さんを見つけて大きいのを2匹$10 で買いました。$10?うそお!初め聞いたときは一パイが$10なのかと思った。漁師さんから直接買うとこのお値段なのね。5,6時間前にとれたばかりで活きがよく、クーラーの中でもごそごそしているようでした。この後、San Franciscoまで用事があるので、ちょっと寝ててね。カニさん達。

The road from Half moon bay to SF was beautiful but it was winding and narrow so I was a little nervous.

The crabs were still live and trying to run away from my kitchen sink!

Look how big they are!

I boiled them in 3% of salt water for 15 minutes. PERFECT!! It was sooooo good and forgot to take pictures when we cracked them. 3%の塩水で15分茹でたら完璧でした。あー、おいしかった。夢中になって食べたので中身の写真を撮り忘れました。

I am also getting ready for Thanksgiving day. Arranged flowers, brined Turkey legs and made cranberry sauce. サンクスギビング(感謝祭)も近いのでその用意もしました。お花を生けたり、ターキーをブラインしたり、クランベリーソースを作ったり。

One more thing...I made a Turkey cap for my Turkey Trot Race. I know I am crazy but I will run 10K (6.2miles)race on Thanksgiving morning wearing this!! もうひとつ…ターキーを作ってキャップにつけました。クレイジーだけれど、サンクスギビングの忙しい朝に、ターキートロットという10キロのレースを走るのです。これをかぶって!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beaujolais Nouveau 2010

Today is the Third Thursday of November. Yes, it is Beaujolais Noveau day. I learned a lesson the hard way last year so I went straight to Wholefoods store around lunch time. They were already on the floor and even had a fancy sign !! Last year, the wine bottles were in the back in the evening of the day. What a improvement! They may have more awareness for Beaujolais Noveau here. Will see next year.

Prosciutto de Palma+pear, Gouda (UnieKaas reserved aged), Mimolette, and La Tur (Alta Langa) for appetizer. 前菜は洋ナシのプロシュート巻き、グーダ、ミモレット、そしてLa Turという匂いの強いチーズ。

And our favorite French dish, Mussel steamed in onion, garlic, and white wine.
I thought this year's Beaujolais Noveau was a little richer than usual which I liked!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Tip of the Top and Robert Cray

Our friend, Aki's band, Tip of the Top has won this years San Francisco Bay Area finals of the International Blues Challenge. They will go to Memphis for the International finals in 2011!! ALSO they opens for THE Robert Cray show!!! Wow, it IS the "top" to get to do this!!! We had to go.
友人のAkiのブルースバンド、Tip of the TopがSFベイエリアのインターナショナルブルースチャレンジで優勝し、来年開催されるメンフィスでの本大会に行くことになりました!!それだけでなく、あのRobert Crayの前座もつとめるというから、すごいではないですか。それこそTopだよ。これは行かなくちゃね。

Before the show, we went to Lobster Shack I had wanted to go to. This place is very close to the Fox Theater where the shows were held so it was peeeerfect! We waited in line around 20 minutes and ordered naked lobster rolls and clam chowder. We first had yummy clam chowder and...
まずは腹ごしらえに、行って見たかったLobster Shackへ行きました。ここなら会場までもとても近いので便利。20分くらい並んで待ちましたが、ようやくロブスターロールとクラムチャウダーを注文できました。まずはおいしいクラムチャウダーを食べながら待って…

Lobster rolls! They were cooked just right. I hate when my sea food is served overcooked but they were great. We put a juuuust little bit of mayo and drawn butter. Ohhhh, it was worth waited for 20 mins outside. ロブスターロールが来た!これはNakedというタイプでマヨネーズと溶かしバターがサイドについてくる。他のは最初から混ざっているので自分で味をコントロールできないから、これで正解。あー、ゆで加減もちょうどよく、ジューシーでおいシー。

Old Port Lobster Shack
851 Veterans Boulevard
Redwood City, CA 94063-1712
(650) 366-2400

The Fox Theater in Redwood City is a nice old building. It is a small theater but liked the decoration such as crown molding on the walls. Tip of the Top was great. Aki's harmonica (far right in the pic) was very soulful and powerful! Sorry for the blur picture.
Redwood City のFox シアターは小さいけれど古くていい感じの建物。壁の飾りとかがよかったなあ。Tip of the Topの演奏は最高でした。Akiのハーモニカはソウルフルでパワフル!一番右がAkiです。ひどいブレ写真でごめんなさい。

Found this on Youtube. Aki starts singing at 6:17.

Pictures with Aki & Rachel. We are wearing Tip of the Top Fan Club buttons. Every time we see them, they get better and cannot wait for a next show. Rachel, you look so good in the dress.

Robert Cray was great, too. I like his voice. However we were VERY annoyed by other audiences. Some people talked loud, using their PDAs, were drunk, and even talking on the phone!! They could do that outside theater...I don't understand :( Hope Robert didn't hear any of it. もちろん、Robert Crayはすごかった。声がいいよね。しかしながら、観客がひどかった。うるさくしゃべる人、PDAや携帯をずっといじっている人、酔っ払い、それに電話してる人までいるんだもの。ひどい。そんなこと外でできるでしょ!お金払ってきているからにはRobert Crayを聞きたくてきているのだろうに。理解できない。Robertがそういう失礼な観客に気づいてないことを祈るばかり。

Photo from Daily Journal

This is not in the Fox theater but I like this song which he sang at the end tonight.
これはFox Theater のではないけれど、好きな歌。今夜、最後に演奏されました。

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Octopus risotto

Found a whole raw octopus at a Mexican market! I seldom see them at a regular store so I got it. Look how big it is.

First, I boiled it with a half cut onion. Mr. Octopus is enjoying his bathing. The long legs were curled up as soon as I put it in the boiling water. Kind a cute...

I made Octopus risotto with this recipe. The octopus is very tender and tasted great.

The Parmigiano ressiano gives a sharp taste. However the picture is not so sharp.
I was very excited to find Octopus and told Steven, "I got Tako(Octopus in Japanese) at Mexican market!" and he said, "Cool! So we will have Taco for dinner tonight." Me:"Yeah, I am thinking Tako risotto." Steven: "?!" He thought I got Tacos at Mexican market. Yes, it was my fault. I shouldn't have mixed Japanese and English. Now I know where to get raw octopus so I will made other dishes like....Takoyaki!

This was before we went to East Coast so it was mid October. I took all the tomatoes in and made tomato sauce to freeze. As you see, most of tomatoes were yellow so the sauce looks pale but it tastes gooooood.

$1.90 Liberty Bell I got in Philadelphia became Christmas ornament. Cannot wait for Christmas!

Friday, November 05, 2010

East Coast Trip - Philly 6

Dad has some funny mag cups. My favorite is this. I guess he got it for his 70th birthday from friends...
お義父さん家にはジョークの書いてあるマグカップがいくつかあるのですが、私のお気に入りはこれ。「私はCRSという病気にかかっています。Can't Remember Shit」きっと70歳の誕生日にでも貰ったんでしょう。

Took some pictures before we left.

We love listening to Dad's life stories. They are so funny and I sometimes need to ask "Are you making that up?" Some of them ate too funny to be true. I could write down the stories here but it would not be as funny as you hear from Dad so we will visit him again to listen to them!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

East Coast Trip - Philly 5

After we left liberty bell, we went to Little Hut where is famous for Philadelphia style Hoagies. This is the place we NEEDED to come. The sign said "Sandwich Construction Company. We build sandwiches." and they don't lie. Their sandwiches are serious...seriously good.
リバティーベルを後にしてついたのはフィラデルフィアスタイルのホギーが有名なLittle Hut。看板には「サンドイッチ建設会社。サンドイッチを建ててます。」 なんて、おもしろいことが書いてある。いや、それだけマジに作っているのですよ。だからマジにおいしいよ。

Little Hut
241-A East Chester Pike
Ridley Park 19078

There are no tables inside so need to get them to go. I like this old style price list on the wall. Steven is saying. "He is buying." Thanks, Dad!

This is THE Hoagie. Layers of paper thin sliced ham, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, vinegar, peppers, and olive oil on a good texture bun. We ordered a big size and spilt into three. The other one is Philadelphia famous cheese steak. It got sauteed thin beef, onion, mushroom and melted cheese. The meat is juicy and it soaked into the bread...Ohhh, we have been waiting for this since our last visit...for 1.5 years.

We found one picnic table right out side of the shop so we took it! Had a Philadelphia chips but this flavor was too salty. お店の外にピクニックテーブルがひとつあったので、そこでいただきました。地元のポテトチップも試してみましたが、このフレーバーはちょっと塩分が強すぎで、残念賞。

Loved the ham in the Hoagie because they are not too salty or greasy. Perfect with oil & vinegar. They came from this deli meat company. You gotta use this brand. ホギーのハムは塩辛くも脂っぽくもなくマイルド。だからオリーブオイルとビネガーによく合います。このハム/ソーセージ会社から来ているのね。このブランドじゃなきゃダメよ!...と言っているところ。

This sandwich shop is in Steven's old neighborhood so we stopped at the house he grow up in. This is also a big house. Must have been comfortable living there with even 5 people. 実はこのサンドイッチ屋さんはStevenが子供のころに住んでいたエリアにあります。それじゃ生家を見に行こうか。この家も大きいなあ。家族5人がゆったり住めそうです。

Now this is the slope he was sledding in winter. The red arrow shows his sleighing course. Notice the car on the crossing road. It is a pretty busy road and when he and his friends turned sharp to the right, they almost got hit by car....many times. Boys...

East Coast Trip - Philly 4

I came to Philadelphia 4 or 5 times but I have never seen Liberty Bell. I need to see it this time because it is only half an hour or so from Dad's house so here we go!! フィラデルフィアに来るのは4,5回目なのに、リバティーベルを見たことない。お義父さんのところからは30分くらいなのです。さあ、行きましょう!

When we are close to the downtown area, I saw this. Ohhhh, Eagles' stadium!

Philadelphia has three stadiums for the measure sports at the same area. They stand very close each other. It must get so crowded on game days. I don't want to even think about the traffic jam :(

Liberty Bell is kept in the Liberty Bell Center. It was a weekday but there were a lot of visitors and waited in line for a little bit. We saw a lot of groups of school trip. Some of the guide was wearing old style clothes and showed us a good old time.

We walked through the historical exhibitions before we saw the bell. The exhibition was very well made and learned a lot of things about the bell. Liberty for slave, women and other suppressed people or groups...The left picture below is Native American Indian Chief Little Bear is carefully touching the bell when it came to San Francisco during the bell's national trip(1915).
On the right, it shows permission for women's voting and this was also in 1915.
And...finally The Liberty Bell. Dad is looking at it very closely. He said this is the first time to see the bell, too. Whhhhhhhat? How many years have you living this area? Well, it happens...
The bell, father and son. The bell and his daughter in law.

With Photoshop, I can do this! Everybody in one pic.

There is an Independece Hall across from the bell but next tickets available was 3pm one. We don't want to wait another 3 hours because we have place to go.
ベルの向かいにはIndependence Hallという施設があるのだけど午後3時までチケットが売り切れ。3時間も待ちたくないし、次に行くところがあるので、ここは次回にでも。

We went to...

to be continued...

Monday, November 01, 2010

East Coast Trip - Philly 3

We are staying at Dad's house now. This enormous tree was the Christmas tree when Steven was a teenager. Dad planted it here and look how big this became. It was only his current height at that time.

We come to this breakfast place often. They serve good egg dishes and we always get liverwurst which we don't see much in CA. It is liver pate/sausage and they slice thin and saute it and usually serve with eggs.

Country Deli
1176 middletown road,
Gradyville PA

Dad's place is huge. Steven always says, "Good that we don't have a big yard like Dad's. I don't want to cut grass everyday!" お義父さんのところは庭も家も広い。いつもStevenは「ウチはお父さんのところみたいに広い庭じゃなくてよかったよ。毎日芝刈りしなくちゃいけないもん。」と言ってます。

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