Sunday, October 31, 2010

East Coast - Philly 2

I call this place Little Paris. The gentle river, old style street rights, statues on the bridge remind me of Paris. I ran & walked this beautiful area a few times.

Looks like Mom's neighbors are SO into Halloween.

Yeah, little bit...ちょっとすごいね。
Happy Halloween!!
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

East Coast Trip - Philly 1

Look at this cute picture! The boy leaning on his brother is Steven. Mom found this old picture and showed us. David and Lynn are cute, too. Love Lynn's expression, too. I love staying Mom's house to see the old pictures and hear the stories of her kids.

It was great timing to visit Mom because her birthday came during our visit. Lynn and Ray also visited and celebrated mom's birthday. When we took pictures, mom's cat attacked the camera I set and moved it. It was so funny and we couldn't stop laughing.

Mom's neighborhood has also pretty colored leaves. I don't know if they have different type of trees or their weather but we don't see this beautiful color in California.

There are pretty houses, too and one of the houses had lions in front of them. He was quiet during I was riding...Mikako, the lion rider. 

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

East Coast Trip - NY 4

Steven finished his complicated project successfully so he got 2 days off!! Good job, honey!! We decided to go to his mom's one day earlier. Before leaving NY, we need to do something New Yorky thing together since I was the only one enjoyed the City. Want to see Autumn colors in the Central park?

On the way to the park, we saw some cool Halloween decoration. It is my favorite event of the year but we don't dress up this year since we are away from home. Sniff, sniff...

Needless to say, the most beautiful park in New York. Never get bored here.

Bethesda Fountain, my favorite place in the park.

We took pictures by the fountain...こんな写真を撮りましたが。

I can photoshop like this!!!

or this?

We enjoyed the fountain area very much...
Well, before heading to Mom's house, let's do another New Yorkey thing.
Carnegie Deli!!

We knew we were not going to finish one dish so we split potato knish with cheese and pastrami on!! Ohhh, it was tasty. Surprisingly, it was not greasy as it looks. The pastrami was mild not too salty.

What? Can I finish this? Off course!!!

Carnegie Deli
854 Seventh Avenue at 55th Street - New York, NY 10019
Phone:(212) 757-2245

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

East Coast Trip - NY 3

My subway rides in NY starts here, 51st Street station on Line 6. I like the tiled station name signs in NY subway.
私のNY地下鉄の旅はここ、51st Street駅から始まります。ライン6の電車。ニューヨークの地下鉄の駅の看板はこういうタイルが使われているのですが、タイル好きの私にはたまりません。

My first stop today was Japanese Noodle Shop, SOBAYA. I have heard great about this place for long time and wanted to try. Bayarea where I live doesn't have ANY Soba(back wheat noodle) specialized restaurant so I HAD to go. I had a sesame tofu and dipping soba with duck. Ohhhhhh, it was great. The noodle had great texture and they know how to make soba noodle.

229 East 9th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 533-6966

I walked in the are and found another good gelato store which just opened 10 days ago! Don't give me, "AGAIN?" look, please. I had hazel nut flavor, and (and?!) coffee flavor and it was the best gelato I have ever had. Of course it is good because this came from Italy. There is only 7 stores in the world and only one in US! No wonder!!

Timi's Gelateria Classica
37 Saint Marks Place,
New York NY 10003

Lil and John took us to a kick-ass NY pizza place and the pizza did kick our ass!! :) I love NY pizza because the crust is thin. I don't know how but their crust is crispy and chewy at the same time. We cannot leave NY without eating NY pizza.
Lil とJohnが目が飛び出るほどおいしいピザ屋さんがあると、連れて行ってくれましたが、飛び出たよ。目が。NYピザはクラストが薄くて好きなのだけど、ここのピザはカリカリとモチモチが同居していてすごい。どうしたらこんなのできるのかなあ。NYピザを食べないでNYを後にはできません。

Angelo's Pizza
1697 Broadway
New York, NY

After the pizza, we walked around the area. The times square at night was pretty.

Rockefeller Center has opened the famous ice skate link for the season.

On the way back, Lil and John pointed to a bakery and said "They make GREAT cheese cake. It has caramelized pecan and they have small size, too." I don't know...I had gelato earlier today and we just had a pizza....well, just looking wouldn't kill me, would it?

Well, I didn't want to regret or dream about this until next NY visit. :) And I swear it was small...

Magnolia's Bakery
200 Columbus Avenue
New York - (212) 724-8101

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

East Coast Trip - NY 2

A day in NY starts with a good coffee and a NY bagel...I found a good bagel shop near the hotel. This place has been in business since 1976 and it was very busy this morning, too.

Ess A Bagel, INC
831 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-980-1010

Went to Guggenheim Museum with Lil. She is Steven's coworker's wife and staying in NY for her husband's bis trip, too. We walked to the museum since the weather was so nice. It was a 2 mile walk but I didn't feel the distance because we had great chat on the way. We found that we have very similar tastes of a lot of things!! The building of the museum is unique. You walk on the spiral form gallery as you look at art pieces on the wall. It was a perfect size to spend a few hours.

We found an espresso bar on Madison Ave. I had gelato and it was so tasty. How many gelato am I eating this week? Well, we walked in the museum and 4 miles between the hotel and the museum so it is OK, I guess :) 帰り道にはMadison Aveでエスプレッソバーを発見。私はおいしいジェラートをいただきました。今週いくつめのジェラートか!美術館内を2時間と6.5kmの往復のウォーキングをした後なので、よしとするかな。

Sant Ambroeus
1000 Madison Avenue # 1,
New York (212) 570-2211

I was invited to Steven's company dinner and went to Post House. It is famous for steak but I had seared Ahi. It was seared lightly outside and very raw inside just like I ordered. The crab cake for appetizer was delicious, too. Thank you, Steven's Boss!!
Stevenの会社のディナーによばれてPost Houseというステーキハウスへ。でも炙りマグロをいただきました。お肉の気分じゃなかったのよ。外側が軽く焼かれていて中はお刺身感覚でおいしかった。前菜のクラブケーキもよかった。Stevenのボス、ごちそうさまでした。

The Post House
28 E. 63rd
New York, NY 10021

The hotel we are staying this time is Waldorf Astoria. I love their old style decoration in the lobby. I see some aged and may need to be replaced parts in the room but I see some characters in them. You never see them in brand new hotels.
今回、滞在したのはWaldorf Astoria。歴史を感じる重厚なデコレーションのロビーはとってもいい。客室には取替えた方がいいかもという部分もあったけど、その古い感じがまたいい味をだしているので、そのままにしてほしい。ピカピカの新しいホテルでは絶対に見られないものね。

Monday, October 25, 2010

East Coast Trip - NY 1

We are in New York and will be stay for a week and leave for Philadelphia to see Steven's family. As usual Steven is working here and I get to enjoy the City.
New Yorkに来ています。ここには1週間ほど滞在してその後、フィラデルフィアにStevenの家族のところに里帰り。いつものようにStevenのお仕事中に私は街をフラフラと。

I thought it was going to be cold here so I packed turtle neck sweaters and wool scarves. Well, I walked outside in a T shirt today and YES, it is warm. 寒いと思ってタートルネックのセーターやマフラーなどをパックしてきたましたが、今日はTシャツで外を歩きました。そう、なぜか妙に暖かいのです。

First thing I did in New York was...
New Yorkで最初にしたことは…

...running in the Central Park!!! It is only a mile from our hotel so it was good distance to run to. I love this park. The leaves are colored and the air is so fresh! I ran in this park two years ago about the same time of the year. The park is still beautiful and makes me want to run longer.
セントラルパークを走ること!ホテルから1.5Km ほどの近さなので、走りに出るにはちょうどいい。この公園大好きです。木の葉も紅葉していて空気もおいしい。そういえば2年前にここで走った時もこの時期でした。公園は相変わらず美しくもっと走っていたい気分にさせます。

After I took a shower back at the hotel, I headed to China town for lunch. Since I saw this blog entry, I had wanted to go this place so bad so went. Well, Excellent Pork Chop House was not so excellent... The blogger liked the noodle with minced pork and pickled cabbage so I ordered the same thing. The noodle was OK but the sauce (minced pork and pickled cabbage) was terrible. All I can taste was MSG. I usually finish my dishes I order but I just couldn't eat even half of it.
ホテルに戻ってシャワーを浴びたら、チャイナタウンへランチに。このブログを見てからどうしてもいって見たかったところがあったのです。店名がエクセレント ポークチョップ ハウスというのですが、そうエクセレントでもなかった。このブロガーがおいしいといっていたヌードルを頼んだけれど、麺はまあまあで上にかかっている豚挽肉と菜っ葉の漬物のソースがひどい。化学調味料の味しかしないんだもの。普通、注文したものは残らずいただきますが、これは半分も食べられなかった。

Well, I should have questioned the word "MSG" on the top of their menu. I just didn't think it was the MSG. I thought it was an acronym for "Most Spectacular Goods" or something...Nooooot!
まあ、メニューの一番上の「MSG」の文字を見て、Monosodium glutamate(化学調味料)と 書いてあるのも変だし、"Most Spectacular Goods"(最高に素晴らしい商品)とかいう意味かも…なーんて変な解釈していたのが 間違いだったのです。

I needed to wash out the MSG taste from my mouth so I walked to Little Italy which is a few blocks away from China town and had some Italian gelato. Ohhhh, it was good. This place has a lot of Italian cookies so I will come back to get some for my Italian father in law. (I have an Italian and an American father in law. :)
口の中のいやな感じを消したかったので、近くにあるLittle Italy(イタリア街)まで歩いていきイタリアンジェラートをいただきました。あー、おいしい。このお店はイタリアンクッキーがたくさんあったので、あとでイタリア人のお義父さん(私にはイタリア人とアメリカ人の2人の義父がいるのです!)に買っていこうっと。

Ferrara Café
195 Grand Street
New York City, NY 10013

(212) 226-6150

I also stopped at an Italian grocery shop and looked at their cheeses and hams. I sampled some prosciutto and it was sooo tasty. I will be back here before I leave NY. イタリア食品店にも立ち寄りチーズやハムなどを見てきました。プロシュートを味見したけど、ひゃーおいしかった。NYを発つ前に又、戻ってきます。

Di Palo's
200 Grand St
New York, NY 10013
(212) 226-1033

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Halloween decorations

My favorite event is coming soon and here are the decorations this year.

This year we asked a pirate ghost to sit on our porch.

He is so fashionable...

I painted he branches black and attached some bats...hard to see in these pictures.

The gate has some decorations, too.

The tree in front of our house has a nice big hole in it so I hid a skeleton and covered with cotton spider web. 家の前にはいい感じの穴があいた木があるので、がいこつを隠し綿のくもの巣で覆いました。

The fall decoration I made last year is settled on the entrance door.

Hope you enjoy this season as much as I do!