私のNY地下鉄の旅はここ、51st Street駅から始まります。ライン6の電車。ニューヨークの地下鉄の駅の看板はこういうタイルが使われているのですが、タイル好きの私にはたまりません。
My first stop today was Japanese Noodle Shop, SOBAYA. I have heard great about this place for long time and wanted to try. Bayarea where I live doesn't have ANY Soba(back wheat noodle) specialized restaurant so I HAD to go. I had a sesame tofu and dipping soba with duck. Ohhhhhh, it was great. The noodle had great texture and they know how to make soba noodle.

New York, NY 10003
(212) 533-6966
I walked in the are and found another good gelato store which just opened 10 days ago! Don't give me, "AGAIN?" look, please. I had hazel nut flavor, and (and?!) coffee flavor and it was the best gelato I have ever had. Of course it is good because this came from Italy. There is only 7 stores in the world and only one in US! No wonder!!

Timi's Gelateria Classica
37 Saint Marks Place,
New York NY 10003
Lil and John took us to a kick-ass NY pizza place and the pizza did kick our ass!! :) I love NY pizza because the crust is thin. I don't know how but their crust is crispy and chewy at the same time. We cannot leave NY without eating NY pizza.
Lil とJohnが目が飛び出るほどおいしいピザ屋さんがあると、連れて行ってくれましたが、飛び出たよ。目が。NYピザはクラストが薄くて好きなのだけど、ここのピザはカリカリとモチモチが同居していてすごい。どうしたらこんなのできるのかなあ。NYピザを食べないでNYを後にはできません。
Angelo's Pizza
1697 Broadway
New York, NY
After the pizza, we walked around the area. The times square at night was pretty.
Rockefeller Center has opened the famous ice skate link for the season.
On the way back, Lil and John pointed to a bakery and said "They make GREAT cheese cake. It has caramelized pecan and they have small size, too." I don't know...I had gelato earlier today and we just had a pizza....well, just looking wouldn't kill me, would it?