Ess A Bagel, INC
831 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-980-1010
831 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-980-1010
Went to Guggenheim Museum with Lil. She is Steven's coworker's wife and staying in NY for her husband's bis trip, too. We walked to the museum since the weather was so nice. It was a 2 mile walk but I didn't feel the distance because we had great chat on the way. We found that we have very similar tastes of a lot of things!! The building of the museum is unique. You walk on the spiral form gallery as you look at art pieces on the wall. It was a perfect size to spend a few hours.
We found an espresso bar on Madison Ave. I had gelato and it was so tasty. How many gelato am I eating this week? Well, we walked in the museum and 4 miles between the hotel and the museum so it is OK, I guess :) 帰り道にはMadison Aveでエスプレッソバーを発見。私はおいしいジェラートをいただきました。今週いくつめのジェラートか!美術館内を2時間と6.5kmの往復のウォーキングをした後なので、よしとするかな。
Sant Ambroeus
1000 Madison Avenue # 1,
New York (212) 570-2211
I was invited to Steven's company dinner and went to Post House. It is famous for steak but I had seared Ahi. It was seared lightly outside and very raw inside just like I ordered. The crab cake for appetizer was delicious, too. Thank you, Steven's Boss!!
Stevenの会社のディナーによばれてPost Houseというステーキハウスへ。でも炙りマグロをいただきました。お肉の気分じゃなかったのよ。外側が軽く焼かれていて中はお刺身感覚でおいしかった。前菜のクラブケーキもよかった。Stevenのボス、ごちそうさまでした。
28 E. 63rd
New York, NY 10021

The hotel we are staying this time is Waldorf Astoria. I love their old style decoration in the lobby. I see some aged and may need to be replaced parts in the room but I see some characters in them. You never see them in brand new hotels.
今回、滞在したのはWaldorf Astoria。歴史を感じる重厚なデコレーションのロビーはとってもいい。客室には取替えた方がいいかもという部分もあったけど、その古い感じがまたいい味をだしているので、そのままにしてほしい。ピカピカの新しいホテルでは絶対に見られないものね。