Saturday, July 17, 2010

Patio is 90% done

We laid the flag stones last weekend and now it is time to finish! We poured Polymeric sand between the stones, sweep the excess sand and mist the floor. We are not 100% happy with this sand because it stayed on the stones and make them look white but there is a solution to this so we will be patnt. I painted the color and...
先週末、フラッグストーンをパティオに敷いたので今週は完成させます!Polymeric sandという砂を石の間に注いで、余った砂を掃き、ホースで霧吹きします。でも、細かい砂が石の上に残りそれが固まってせっかくのフラッグストーンが白っぽく見えてがっかり。でも修正する方法はあるようなので、今は我慢。壁を塗ったら…。

Look nice, doesn't it? We have more things to do to finish the patio.
1.paint the wall one more coat
2.paint white the door frame a small counter with Mexican colorful tiles on the wall
4.AND...replace the furniture!!
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