
At 7am on July 6, a phone call woke us up. "We are on the way of delivering your stones " Yeah! our Arizona flag stones will be here soon!! ....and a BIG truck was parked on our small street.

Wow, we have a lot of flag stones and sand. Steven is looking at the delivery and thinking....

We also ordered two kinds of sand for base.
After Steven laid two kinds of sand (rough ones first and fine ones on top), he leveled the ground. Now we laid the flagstones on the ground to see what we have because we are about to start big jigsaw puzzle!!
If you cannot find a perfect fit, you make it! It was hard to cut two inch thick flag stone. I look good with the safety glass :)
And....Voila! Big jigsaw puzzle is done!!! We need to level the stones and pour some Polymeric sand between the stones to seal them but it is going to be later. Now we need...
そして、ほら!巨大パズルのできあがり!! これから石の高さを揃えて、石の間にPolymeric sandという砂を入れて固めるのだけど、それは又、後日。今はこれ。
strawberry parfait!!