Sunday, July 04, 2010

Independence Day - Parade

We paraded in Rose White and Blue Parade!! One of our neighbor, Jeff came up with the idea that changing lyrics of "It's a small world" to "It's a small street" and we decided to use that for this year's theme. Now I came up with the idea of building a small street on my car and neighbors helped us making buildings and painting banners. Isn't it cute?

Rose White and Blue Paradeというパレードにご近所さんと参加してきました。Jeffがディズニーの「スモールワールド」を「スモールストリート」に替え歌を作り、それを今年のテーマに決め、私がそれなら小さい町を車に建てちゃいましょうと、提案。建物を作って持ち寄り、こんなかわいい車になりました。バナーもみんなで色塗りしたのよ。

This is the sketch I drew to show my idea to my neighbors and it looks exactly the same!! We did good! これがみんなに見せるために描いたスケッチ。全く同じにできてるじゃーん!

The parade was bigger than I thought. A lot of people attended the parade and a lot of people watching the parade. パレードは思ったより大きく。参加者も多いけど見物者も多かった。

Here is our float waiting for our turn.

and our paraded with our neighbors. It was so much fun! I even played "it's a small world" karaoke version on car stereo and sang it!

Photos by Teresa.

The history of the parade. The first one was held in 1901!!!

Now parade is over. Let's go back to our small street and....Party time!!! (to be continued)