
Well, what are these for? Serious mask and power tools?

Wow, somebody is making liquid nitrogen ice cream!! They poured liquid nitrogen into the ice cream base. I forgot to take pictures but the ice cream were served on cones and it was good!!

Kids were enjoying jumping house and water slide and as usual, we had a LOT of food. I made Nagoya style chicken wings and marinated cauliflower. I made 45 pieces but they were gone in a short time. Good that everybody liked them.

Steven made Paella. Egg crusted meat paella this time. Mmmmmm, smells good and tasted GREAT. Stevenはお得意のパエリアを作りました。今回は卵とじミートパエリア。んー!いいにおい。味も最高でした。

Boys are gathering at one special table. The famous Norton Rocket Car is about to start!
Bob is doing electrical work. Uh-oh, Steven is standing next to him. Is he going to involved in this???!!!! Bobが電気系の作業をしています。あれれ、Stevenが彼の隣に立っているけど、まさか巻き込まれるのでは?Steven電気系の作業好きだし。
Of course, he is too kind not to help. :)
and ready to go! Look at the video below to see how exciting it was. We saw around 20 rocket cars took off.....and crashed!
The party was held whole day till the last fire work vanished in the night sky. 10PM or so. What a fun day it was! パーティーは夜空に最後の花火が消えるまで一日中続きました。夜の10時くらいだったかなあ。今年も楽しかった!
Today is Steven's birthday. We celebrated it with our neighbors.