Friday, July 30, 2010

Mexican Tiles and Yellow Boy

We had been looking for colorful tiles for a small counter on the patio and found them finally! They are 4"x 4"and $4.25 a piece. I could have got Mexican tiles cheaper with less than half the price online but I have never seen these beautiful design so we decided to buy them.
The counter will be on the wall soon if Steven is able to cut the board we got straight :) :)

In the meantime, our tomatoes are doing very well. Got a big Yellow Boy tomato today! Waiting for other tomatoes to get riped. トマト畑の方は順調。今日はYellow Boyという種類のトマトが食べ頃。大きいでしょ。まだ青いトマトもたくさんあるので、熟すのが楽しみ。

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bathroom decoration and Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

I kept bugging (and begging) Steven to make frames for bathroom and yeah, he made them for meeeee, FINALLY. :) I colored them black and put the same fabric I used for the shade and the drawer covers. Oh, they are linked and look nice!

By the way.....ever since I have seen this blog entry, I wanted to make Strawberry Rhubarb pie but I couldn't find the darn rhubarb ANY WHERE. I tried local grocery stores, grommet grocery stores (some wanted to be called this) , two different farmers markets, and even Mexican, Asian stores but no luck. Since that time, I thought Wholefoods was my dependable friend but when I asked a veggie/fruit guy there at the end of June, he said"Uh...we don't have any. Their season is over." Wait a minute. I thought the season was NOW. (note: it was at the end of June) But yesterday, we found them at SAFEWAY! Sorry SAFEWAY, I underestimated you. I will come to you more often. I promise I will try. ところで、このブログを見てからストロベリールーバーブパイがとっても作りたくなっていました。日本でルーバーブは売られてるのかしら。セロリみたいな形状でとてもすっぱい野菜です。ところが、どこに行ってもルーバーブがみつからない。スーパーや、グルメマーケット(…と、呼ばれたいマーケットもあるの。)ファーマーズマーケット2箇所、メキシコ系、アジア系のお店まで探しましたがない。あの時の経験から、Wholefoodsは頼れる友達と思っていましたが、生鮮売り場のお兄さんは「いやあ、ないねえ。旬が終わったからねえ。」チョイ待ち、旬は今でしょ。(注:この時は6月下旬でした。)でも、昨日、何とSafewayという本当に普通のスーパーで売っていたのです。ごめんね、Safeway。キミをバカにしていたよ。今度からもっと来るからね。約束するよ~。

Good with ice cream!

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Patio is 90% done

We laid the flag stones last weekend and now it is time to finish! We poured Polymeric sand between the stones, sweep the excess sand and mist the floor. We are not 100% happy with this sand because it stayed on the stones and make them look white but there is a solution to this so we will be patnt. I painted the color and...
先週末、フラッグストーンをパティオに敷いたので今週は完成させます!Polymeric sandという砂を石の間に注いで、余った砂を掃き、ホースで霧吹きします。でも、細かい砂が石の上に残りそれが固まってせっかくのフラッグストーンが白っぽく見えてがっかり。でも修正する方法はあるようなので、今は我慢。壁を塗ったら…。

Look nice, doesn't it? We have more things to do to finish the patio.
1.paint the wall one more coat
2.paint white the door frame a small counter with Mexican colorful tiles on the wall
4.AND...replace the furniture!!
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big jigsaw puzzle is done!

Steven finished the borders for patio!! We put accent tiles for color and we LOVE them. We went to several tile places and finally found this 8x8 tiles. Aren't they beautiful?

At 7am on July 6, a phone call woke us up. "We are on the way of delivering your stones " Yeah! our Arizona flag stones will be here soon!! ....and a BIG truck was parked on our small street.

Wow, we have a lot of flag stones and sand. Steven is looking at the delivery and thinking....

We also ordered two kinds of sand for base.

After Steven laid two kinds of sand (rough ones first and fine ones on top), he leveled the ground. Now we laid the flagstones on the ground to see what we have because we are about to start big jigsaw puzzle!!

If you cannot find a perfect fit, you make it! It was hard to cut two inch thick flag stone. I look good with the safety glass :)

And....Voila! Big jigsaw puzzle is done!!! We need to level the stones and pour some Polymeric sand between the stones to seal them but it is going to be later. Now we need...
そして、ほら!巨大パズルのできあがり!! これから石の高さを揃えて、石の間にPolymeric sandという砂を入れて固めるのだけど、それは又、後日。今はこれ。

strawberry parfait!!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Birthday present for Steven

Steven got a new toy for his birthday, Miter saw with stands!! I was hearing cutting sound and hammering sound from the house. Hammering sound? What is he making now?

In a few hours, he made shelves in the garage. Wow, it was fast and is very steady. Now the garage is going to be organized and clean. He also got a cabinet with tiny drawers for nails and screws. Hmmm, my earrings and necklaces would be fit VERY WELL in those small drawers! He may need to buy another one. :)

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Leftover Party

Yeah, it was only yesterday that we had a party with neighbors and we have one today, too. We brought our leftover from yesterday's party and have more party:)

Mr.D who lives next door is in trouble!! He is so cute!

We are like a big family. Really.
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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Independence Day - Party

Our little street gets VERY busy and crowded on Independence day. Every body invited their friends and family so more than 100 people enjoy our party. We even wear event Tshirts!

Well, what are these for? Serious mask and power tools?

Wow, somebody is making liquid nitrogen ice cream!! They poured liquid nitrogen into the ice cream base. I forgot to take pictures but the ice cream were served on cones and it was good!!

Kids were enjoying jumping house and water slide and as usual, we had a LOT of food. I made Nagoya style chicken wings and marinated cauliflower. I made 45 pieces but they were gone in a short time. Good that everybody liked them.


Steven made Paella. Egg crusted meat paella this time. Mmmmmm, smells good and tasted GREAT. Stevenはお得意のパエリアを作りました。今回は卵とじミートパエリア。んー!いいにおい。味も最高でした。

Boys are gathering at one special table. The famous Norton Rocket Car is about to start!

Bob is doing electrical work. Uh-oh, Steven is standing next to him. Is he going to involved in this???!!!! Bobが電気系の作業をしています。あれれ、Stevenが彼の隣に立っているけど、まさか巻き込まれるのでは?Steven電気系の作業好きだし。

Of course, he is too kind not to help. :)

and ready to go! Look at the video below to see how exciting it was. We saw around 20 rocket cars took off.....and crashed!

The party was held whole day till the last fire work vanished in the night sky. 10PM or so. What a fun day it was! パーティーは夜空に最後の花火が消えるまで一日中続きました。夜の10時くらいだったかなあ。今年も楽しかった!

Today is Steven's birthday. We celebrated it with our neighbors.

Independence Day - Parade

We paraded in Rose White and Blue Parade!! One of our neighbor, Jeff came up with the idea that changing lyrics of "It's a small world" to "It's a small street" and we decided to use that for this year's theme. Now I came up with the idea of building a small street on my car and neighbors helped us making buildings and painting banners. Isn't it cute?

Rose White and Blue Paradeというパレードにご近所さんと参加してきました。Jeffがディズニーの「スモールワールド」を「スモールストリート」に替え歌を作り、それを今年のテーマに決め、私がそれなら小さい町を車に建てちゃいましょうと、提案。建物を作って持ち寄り、こんなかわいい車になりました。バナーもみんなで色塗りしたのよ。

This is the sketch I drew to show my idea to my neighbors and it looks exactly the same!! We did good! これがみんなに見せるために描いたスケッチ。全く同じにできてるじゃーん!

The parade was bigger than I thought. A lot of people attended the parade and a lot of people watching the parade. パレードは思ったより大きく。参加者も多いけど見物者も多かった。

Here is our float waiting for our turn.

and our paraded with our neighbors. It was so much fun! I even played "it's a small world" karaoke version on car stereo and sang it!

Photos by Teresa.

The history of the parade. The first one was held in 1901!!!

Now parade is over. Let's go back to our small street and....Party time!!! (to be continued)

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Summer garden and more prep for 4th

Our garden is coming along. Neither Steven or I were good gardeners so this is very exciting for us. However the Hydrangea in the front yard getting brown spots on their leaves. I told my mother in law who is a great gardener about it and she said, "Hydrangeas don't die, Mikako." "Mom, anything happens in our garden!" I am watering more to it and hope it will come back.
Our vegetable garden is doing pretty well though.
Look at our crops! 収穫あり!
Our neighbor decided to use my car as a float for the Independence day parade so we are preparing it, too. Wait to see the car after decorating!

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