Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wine Affaris

We went to Wine Affairs with one of our neighbors, Brett. It was very nice Spring day so we walked to the place and this way, nobody has to drive! I loved the interior.
Wine Affairsというワインバーにご近所さんのBrettと3人で行きました。春の暖かい日だったので、歩いて行きましたが、誰も運転しなくていいので、これはいい方法。インテリアが素敵な所でした。
The best thing at this place was I can sample different wine. You can order as little as 2 oz. I love wine but I cannot take a lot of it so this is perfect. I can try a few kinds.
I forgot to take pics but their food was good, too. We liked olive oil marinated Manchego Cheese. It had green onion, grilled red pepper on the cheese in cumin infused olive oil. I might try this at home. 写真を撮るのを忘れたけれど、おつまみもイケます。マンチェゴチーズのオリーブオイル漬けはとってもおいしかった。ネギとグリルした赤ピーマンがのっていて、クミンで香り付けされたオイルに一日漬けたマンチェゴチーズ。家でもまねしてみよう。
Wine Affairs
1435 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126-2653
(408) 977-0111

I also made Cafe Apron this weekend. I liked this a lot so decided to make more for gifts. The little brown tag is Mikako original tag which shows its authenticity. :)
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Deep in the Valley 谷中暮色

We went to see "Deep in the Valley" which was one of the Cine Quest Film Festival movies. This is a half documentation, and a half fiction movie about small town, Yanaka in Tokyo. It is not a fancy Hollywood movie so if you are looking for a Bourne Identity kind, OMG-I-cannot-take-my-eyes-off-it movie OR a Love Actually kind, Oh-no-I-need-more-tissues movies. You may even get bored about the quiet scenes and the story line but "it" will build up little by little and at the end you will have a quiet but a strong heart-touching moment. Well, we probably liked this movie more than other people in the theater because Yanaka is our favorite neighborhood in Tokyo and we always stay at inn there. We will be there in two weeks so we can visit the places in the movie soon.!
Cine Quest Film Festivalに参加している映画、「谷中慕色」を見に行きました。これは半分ドキュメンタリー、半分フィクションで東京の下町、谷中で起こるお話ですが、ハリウッド映画のような派手さは全くないので、Bourne Identityのような「ひやあ、目まぐるしいシーンに目が離せない」や、Love Actuallyのような「エーン、ティッシューもっとちょうだい」といったようなことはありません。最初は静か過ぎる映像や、地味なストーリーの展開に、少しイライラを感じる人もいるでしょう。でも何かが少しづつ心の中に層をなしてきて、最後には静かだけど強い感動を感じます。まあ、谷中は私達の大好きな町で、いつもそこにある旅館に泊まっているので、映画館にいた誰よりもエキサイトしていたことに間違いはないのですが。実は2週間弱の内に行く予定なので、映画に出てきたスポットを観に行けるのです!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hina Dolls

It is that time of the year again. Hina dolls! They didn't complain like last year and everybody look happy. My grand mother who bought these for me has passed away last year so they became more precious to me. The dolls said, "New home, huh?" and...

"Are we on the mantel?!"

Yeah, you guys don't want to be eaten by the cats, do you?

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Post Valentine Dinner

Since we had some affairs to take care on Valentine's Day, we did this next day. Steven made Egg Crusted Paella. It's got chicken, pork, sausage, and veggies and he poured egg on top at the end and put it in the oven for half an hour.

It was soooooo good. The crusted egg tasted like fritata a little bit and brown crispy top was flavorful. I got two dozens of roses, too!! My presents for him was...I will tell you later:)

Ohhhh, the rice got caramelized part on the bottom! Perfect Paella!

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I finally found a fabric I like for our drapes so started sewing.

I have three windows to do and finished the biggest one!
These pictures don't show well the color of the drapes but it is beige Damask print on blue gray back ground. It added some richness to the room and we like them.

We also put drape holder so I can hang drapes loosely with it. How did I put the eye let rings, you ask? Let me show you...カーテンレストのようなものをつけたので、カーテンをゆるくかけて、下げることもできます。あのカーテンレールの穴はどうやってつけたかって?お見せしましょう。

#1 I bought Dritz Curtain Grommets
#1 Dritzカーテングロメットというリングを買います。

#2 Decide the place to put and mark with a pencil
#2 付ける場所を決めてテンプレートでマークします。

#3 Make a hole with scissors along the line
#3 マークした線に沿ってハサミで穴を開けます。

#4 Put one grommet under the fabric
#4 片方のグロメットを生地の下に置いて

#5 Put another one on the fabric and press hard
#5 もうひとつを上に置き、強く押します。

#6 Voila! You have a hole for curtain rod!
#7 ジャーン!カーテンロッド用の穴が出来上がり!

Oh, Steven helped me with hardware.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


We went to a nursery to pick up Wisteria we ordered a few weeks ago. I love this nursery because they have a lot of unique plants and trees. 2週間前に注文した藤のツルが届いたので取りに行きました。ここのお店はめずらしい種類の植物があるのでとても楽しい。

Look at these cute flowers! I forgot to check the name but they look like Christmas Roses.

I found a few things I wanted to get...The Sakura tree was so beautiful but some people say that it is a bad luck when you plant cherry trees in your yard so I don't know....The terracotta vase would be great in our entrance. 他に、欲しいものもありました。しだれ桜がとても美しかったのですが、自宅の庭に植えるのは運を落とすと言う人もいるので、どうしようかなあ…。テラコッタの大きな鉢はウチの入り口にぴったりでいいなあ。

Well, the purpose of this trip was picking up the Wisteria so we loaded it in my "truck" and went home.

It was a rainy week so the soil in the yard is not ready to plant yet so we will keep the Wisteria in the pot for a few days. We will plant this next to the gate we made and hoping this vine will become like...今週は雨続きなので庭の土は濡れていて植えられないから、しばらくはこの入れ物のまま、待ちます。作ったあのゲートの横に植えて、いつかは…

I know we are ambitious...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Super Bowl 2010

On Super Bowl Sunday, people usually have beer, chip&salsa, or Buffalo wings but we had Takoyaki (Octopus balls). I made them right before the game and watched the game.

See, Takoyaki go well with football!

Well, my American husband wanted his national food, too so we went out to get pizza during a half time show.

Oh, yeah. Pizza definitely go well with football.

It was a long game so I made orange pattern pillows and arranged the flowers from Farmer's Market during the game. 長い試合だったので、他のこともしました。オレンジ色のクッションを作ったり、お花も換えたり。

New Orleans won and we are happy. It brings a lot of joy and hopes to people in New Orleans. They deserve it because they recovered amazingly from 2005 disaster. 結局、ニューオリンズが勝ったので、よかった。これでニューオリンズの人達に希望と喜びをもたらします。2005年の大災害から立ち直った土地ですからこの勝利に値すると思う。

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Friday, February 05, 2010

Trader Joe's

I love Trader Joe's. Their products are unique and their wide variety is amazing. I always get...
 私の大好きなスーパーマーケット、Trader Joe's においてある商品はどれもユニークでとてもバラエティーに富んでいます。いつも買うのは…
1. Honey Plantain Strips:Good sweetness of honey and crispiness of the plantain are good combination. I always try not to eat a whole bag because they are gooooood!

2. Vegetable Bird's Nest (Frozen)
I toasted them in my small toaster and put it on the soba/udon noodle soup. Easy way to make Tempura Soba!

3. Yaki Onigiri(Frozen)
When I see this at the store for the first time, I almost scream "Yatta!!" like Hiro Nakamura in Heroes. Oh they are good.

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