On Super Bowl Sunday, people usually have beer, chip&salsa, or Buffalo wings but we had Takoyaki (Octopus balls). I made them right before the game and watched the game.
Well, my American husband wanted his national food, too so we went out to get pizza during a half time show.
Oh, yeah. Pizza definitely go well with football.
It was a long game so I made orange pattern pillows and arranged the flowers from Farmer's Market during the game. 長い試合だったので、他のこともしました。オレンジ色のクッションを作ったり、お花も換えたり。
New Orleans won and we are happy. It brings a lot of joy and hopes to people in New Orleans. They deserve it because they recovered amazingly from 2005 disaster. 結局、ニューオリンズが勝ったので、よかった。これでニューオリンズの人達に希望と喜びをもたらします。2005年の大災害から立ち直った土地ですからこの勝利に値すると思う。