We are making a door for the gate. Steven used the lid of our grill to draw a circle on the door because the circle was perfect for a moon window on the door. He made a perfect hole! I stained the door and ready to attach to the gate.


We attached the door to the gate and Steven is looking out from the hole (left) and added a lattice to cover the hole. ドアをゲートにつけたところ。左の写真ではStevenが中からのぞいています。月窓をふさぐのに蔓などをはわせるラティスを使いました。

I kind of liked the hole without the lattice. The street view from the hole looks nice. Looks like a picture in the frame but of course we need to cover this for safty. It looks very nice and almost finished! ラティスなしでもいい感じ。通りの景色が額に入れた写真のようでしょ。でもこれだとあまりに外から見えてしまうのでカバーが必要。もうすぐ出来上がりです!
We got a whole trout from a fish store close to our place. I made a herb stuffed grilled trout. Paired with Grgich Hills Fume Blanc. Cold white wine went well with the fish. 近くの魚屋さんで新鮮なニジマスを手に入れたので庭でとれたハーブなどをたくさんつめて焼きました。Grgich Hillsの Fume Blancと合わせておいし~。冷たい白がお魚によく合いました。