Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter breakfast...well, nothing special for Easter but I really wanted to make blue berry pancakes since I saw Bobby Flay's Throwdown show. His opponent was Clinton Street Baking Company in NY and their pancakes looked so good so we decided to go there next time we go to NY. I learned that I need to separate egg york and egg white and whip the egg white to make fluffy pancakes. Fold the flour+milk+egg yolk into whipped egg white and cook on a hot pan or griddle, sprinkle fresh blueberries on top, flip them after you see some bubbles and cook another 2 mins and you get fantastic pancakes! we hat it with strawberries+bananas+granola. I even made heart shape on our latte.
イースターの日の朝ごはん。いや、特別にイースター用ではないけれど、先日ボビーフレイ の Throwdown show を見て以来、どうしてもブルーベリーパンケーキが食べたかったの。彼の挑戦相手はNYのClinton Street Baking Companyというレストランだったのだけど、そこのパンケーキがこれまたおいしそうで、今度NYに行く時には必ず行こうと決心しました。この番組で覚えたことは卵の白身と黄身をわけて、白身をホイップすること。そこに、粉類、ミルク、黄身を混ぜたものをやさしく混ぜ込むとふわふわのパンケーキになるのです。熱したホットプレートにバターを落とし、お玉でネタを落とした上に、ブルーベリーをぱらぱらとふりかけ、気泡が見えてきたらひっくり返して2分ほど焼けば最高のパンケーキが出来上がり!私達はイチゴ+バナナ+グラノラと一緒にいただきました。カフェラテの上にはハートまで作ったんだよ。

This chocolate bunny was eaten around noon. Gotta eat chocolate on Easter day.

We tried lamb from Dittmer's for Easter dinner. I don't like lamb but gotta eat lamb for Easter :). I don't know if the meat was good or Steven cooked good (maybe both), it was very good, tender and juicy. I made red wine reduced fig sauce and it went well with the meat. Appetizer was deviled egg, green salad and vinegared shrimp, English peas and red onion. The dessert was strawberry mousse with chocolate sauce which I made for the first time. Everything tasted great!

Dittmer's Gourmet Meats & Wurst-Haus, Inc.

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