Friday, April 24, 2009

Korean Cold Noodle;Naeng-myun

The Korean market near us has Kimchi bar and sells them by weight so you can pack them as much/little as you want. It is hard to choose because they have a lot of varieties and they all look good. I also like their cold noodle kit so get them every time I go there. Today I made with cucumber, Asian pear, daikon kimchi, boiled chicken, Nappa Kimchi and hard boiled egg. It is very good for lunch in a hot day.
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Preserved Lemons

When we were in Morocco, we had Tajin dishes with preserved lemons and it was very tasty so I made some preserved lemons. These lemons are from Mariko's boyfriend's back yard in Santa Cruz and used special sea salt from Japan. Wow, West meets East with North African thought! It is easy to make and here is the recipe. It takes 3 weeks to be used. Cannot wait to cook Moroccan chicken with these. Looking at this pictures, I thought"Hmmmm, is this Deja vu or I did see this pic before?" I looked blogs I always visit and found it at Barbara's blog. It is so funny that I also had only these jars for the lemons like she did.
モロッコに行った時、塩漬けレモンを使ったタジン料理を食べてすごくおいしかったので塩漬けレモンを作りました。このレモンはサンタクルーズのマリコのボーイフレンドのお庭で取れたもので塩は日本の特別な海の塩を使いました。北アフリカの想いの下、アメリカと日本のものが出会うなんて、国際的だこと。作り方は簡単、レモンを洗って、途中まで切ってお塩を埋め込んでギュウっとビンの中に押し込むだけ。これでビンを上下にひっくり返しながら3週間でできあがり。これを使ってモロッコチキンを作るのが楽しみ。この写真を見ていて「あれ、デジャブかしら、それともこんな写真を見たことがあるのかなあ。」と思って、お気に入りのブログをいろいろ見ていたら、見つけました。 バーバラのブログで。本当はもっと大きいビンを使いたかったんだけど、空き瓶がこれしかなかった。そうしたらバーバラもそうだったというのがおかしい。
By the way, here are Mariko and her boyfriend, Robby. These high school kids are in a marching band and they are very good. Oh, they are so cute together. Thanks for the lemons, Robby!

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Santa Cruz Half Marathon

I did it!! It was very hot and very hard but I finished Santa Cruz Half marathon! My time was 2 hours 15 mins 33 seconds (13.1 miles) I ran with Sumiko...Well, we started together but she ran fast so I lost her in 5 mins :) I have been training for this race since January and I am so happy that I made this with good time in spite of the heat. I couldn't do this without Steven, Sumiko, my family in US, The Gillespies and my friends who sent me good wishes. The route was very beautiful and we ran along the coast line. I want to do this next year, too but hope the weather will be less harsh.
やったぁ!すごく暑くてきつかったけど、Santa Cruz Half Marathonを完走しました!タイムは2時間15分33秒(21Km)。すみ子さんと走りました...というか一緒にスタートしただけでエリートランナーの彼女はとても速く5分しないうちに見えなくなってしまいました。今年の1月からこのレースのためにトレーニングをしていたので感激もひとしお。あの暑さの中でこのタイムは私にしては上出来です。Steven, すみ子さん、アメリカで家族としたっているギレスピー家のみんな、そして応援してくれたお友達に感謝。彼らのサポートなしにはできないことでした。コースは海沿いのとても美しいコースで来年も挑戦したい。でも気温がこんなに高くならないといいんですが。
After the race, we went to Coles BBQ to have ribs with the Gillespies. This is the place I had BBQ ribs for the first time (more than 20 years ago) and thought "Oh my gosh, this is the best thing I have ever had!" and it was still great.
Coles BBQ
2590 Portola Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831) 476-4424

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Friend's Engagement Party

Made this cute bouquet and went to our friend's engagement BBQ party in San Francisco.

Her fiance is a chef and his chef friends throw a great party with amazing food as usual.
I am guessing they cooked a half of pig because it was a HUGE chunk of meat he was cutting. They sliced them and put them on bread with green pesto. The sandwich was awesome and the pork was melt in my mouth. It was professional work!

The pig was roasted in this huge roasting box. I am warming up with the heat. Well, the food was too good and I was busy eating it and forgot to take pics of the bride & groom to be. I will wait for the ones they took and post it here later. :)
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fusilli with Shrimp and English Pea

The English peas were from pods not from the freezer bags. :) They were sweet and have taste of spring. English Peaのグリーンピースは冷凍ではなく殻を剥いたもの。甘くて春の味がしました。
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter breakfast...well, nothing special for Easter but I really wanted to make blue berry pancakes since I saw Bobby Flay's Throwdown show. His opponent was Clinton Street Baking Company in NY and their pancakes looked so good so we decided to go there next time we go to NY. I learned that I need to separate egg york and egg white and whip the egg white to make fluffy pancakes. Fold the flour+milk+egg yolk into whipped egg white and cook on a hot pan or griddle, sprinkle fresh blueberries on top, flip them after you see some bubbles and cook another 2 mins and you get fantastic pancakes! we hat it with strawberries+bananas+granola. I even made heart shape on our latte.
イースターの日の朝ごはん。いや、特別にイースター用ではないけれど、先日ボビーフレイ の Throwdown show を見て以来、どうしてもブルーベリーパンケーキが食べたかったの。彼の挑戦相手はNYのClinton Street Baking Companyというレストランだったのだけど、そこのパンケーキがこれまたおいしそうで、今度NYに行く時には必ず行こうと決心しました。この番組で覚えたことは卵の白身と黄身をわけて、白身をホイップすること。そこに、粉類、ミルク、黄身を混ぜたものをやさしく混ぜ込むとふわふわのパンケーキになるのです。熱したホットプレートにバターを落とし、お玉でネタを落とした上に、ブルーベリーをぱらぱらとふりかけ、気泡が見えてきたらひっくり返して2分ほど焼けば最高のパンケーキが出来上がり!私達はイチゴ+バナナ+グラノラと一緒にいただきました。カフェラテの上にはハートまで作ったんだよ。

This chocolate bunny was eaten around noon. Gotta eat chocolate on Easter day.

We tried lamb from Dittmer's for Easter dinner. I don't like lamb but gotta eat lamb for Easter :). I don't know if the meat was good or Steven cooked good (maybe both), it was very good, tender and juicy. I made red wine reduced fig sauce and it went well with the meat. Appetizer was deviled egg, green salad and vinegared shrimp, English peas and red onion. The dessert was strawberry mousse with chocolate sauce which I made for the first time. Everything tasted great!

Dittmer's Gourmet Meats & Wurst-Haus, Inc.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Fish dishes

We like fish and luckily we can get fersh fish from Saturday farmer's market and fresher fish for sashimi (raw fish) at a Japanese mraket near by. Stevenも私もお魚好きなので、土曜のファーマーズマーケットで新鮮なお魚が手に入ってラッキー。お刺身などもっと新鮮なものは近くの日本のマーケットで買います。

Wild salmon, parcely, red onion and white wine baked in parchement paper.
Miso marinated cod was grilled and served. It was a little bit too salty because of the marinating time. Two days are enough... 味噌漬けのタラは漬けすぎてちょっと辛かった。2日でいいなあ。

Tuna from the Japanese market and natto. Need a sahimi grade fish for this dish. I got this plate from mom and love it! They are called Egaratsu. 日本のマーケットで買ったマグロで作ったマグロ納豆。お皿はママからもらった絵唐津。とってもいいでしょう?

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Hakone Garden

Went to Hakone garden for Sakura. 桜を見に箱根ガーデンへ。

This Japanese garden has beautiful landscape and even has a tea ceremony room. I am standing by the room. Great view, isn't it?この日本庭園はとても美しく造園されていてお茶室まであります。私が立っているのはお茶室の廊下。素晴らしい眺めでしょ。

Steven standing in front of a maple tree and a sakura tree. Stevenはもみじと桜の木の前で。

We really like this place and it reminds us the time we started dating. At that time, the wisterias were also full bloomed. ここは私達のお気に入りの場所。デートし始めた時に来た所なので、その頃を思い出します。あの時は藤の花も満開でした。

Well, they were not bloomed yet today. We need to come back later!今日はまだ咲いてないですね。又、近いうちに見に来なくっちゃ。

Hakone Garden

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

My Grandma

My dearest grandma has departed to the next place. I am her first grand child and we were very close so I had a tough time to say goodbye to her. I used to spend a lot of Saturday nights with her when I was a little. She was very sweet and let me do ANYTHING I wanted including tasting her coffee (I was not allowed to drink coffee till I was 13) so I was looking forward Saturdays staying with her and grandpa.

She was very strong and lived by herself till she was 90. She was very happy that I found my soul mate and leading a happy life. Every time we visited her, she asked me, "Are you happy, Mikako?" I answered, "Of course!" and she smiled so happily. She sometimes asked me twice in one visit. She even did from the hospital bed and smiled with content after I said "Of course!"
Thank you, Grandma for the sweetest time and your love. When I join your side, you can ask me the same question again, "Are you happy, Mikako?" Though I am almost certain my answer will be the same, "Of course!" and I will be able to see your smile again.

