Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Autumn day...

On the last day of Thanksgiving weekend, I bothered Steven who was quietly reading his book to go pick up some Autumn harvests. Look at these beautiful pine cones. I am very excited to make something with them. Wreath? Christmas ornament? It is fun to think what to make when you have good materials. サンクスギビングの連休の最終日、静かに本を読んでいるStevenをつついて、秋の実りを拾いに行きました。松ぼっくりがこんなにたくさん。きれいな色でしょ?何を作ろうかワクワクしながら考えています。ドアリース?クリスマスのオーナメント?いい素材があると何を作るか考えるのがとても楽しい。

We also found some beautiful leaves. I needed to do something fast with them since they are not going to last so long.きれいな落ち葉も拾ってきました。こっちは早く何かしないと枯れちゃいます。

So I made a wall decoration and...それで小さな壁飾りを作ったり…

...drew them and make some cards. 絵を描いてカードにしたりしました。

Today was my father in law's birthday and this is the hat I made and sent to him earlier along with a National Geographic magazine which has beautiful astronomic pictures chosen by Steven. He said the magazine reminds him of the TV series he watched with his father when he was a child so it is going to be a great present. I thought the magazine and this hat was a good combination because when dad wanted to go out to see some stars after he reads the magazine, it will keep him warm. I also put a tag with his initials on it.

The sausage and french lentils stew is good in cold weather. 寒い夜はソーセージとレンズ豆のシチュー。

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