Turkey day!! We went to my host family, The
Gillespies in Santa Cruz. We had great Thanksgiving dinner that Jean made. Oh it was so delicious! The turkey was so juicy and tender, the stuffing muffin was crispy and had a lot of flavor, the asparagus and green beans were cooked JUST RIGHT! (still crispy!) and both veggies were in two different flavors, mashed potatoes was creamy & smooth and fruit jello was also excellent! Oh, she is a great cook!

Yummy moist turkey...How does she do this???しっとりしたこのターキーはどうやって焼くんだろう!
I made cheese cake with mixed berries. 私が作って持っていったものは3つ。ベリー類を乗せたチーズケーキ。

and Appetizer:Salmon&Cream cheese(red onion/capers), Avocado cream, and Chicken salad(cucumber+green onion) on crackers.そして前菜:スモークサーモンとクリームチーズ(紫玉ねぎ・ケーパー入り)、アボカドのペースト、チキンサラダ(きゅうりと小ねぎ入り)をクラッカーに乗せて。

I also made this table center. It is in a pumpkin!!
We had a great time eating dinner, chatting and playing board/card games. I
always feel like I am home when I visit them....They are my starting point of my life in US. おいしいディナーをいただき、おしゃべりして、ゲームをしてとても楽しい一日でした。あそこへ行くといつも家に戻った気がする。私のアメリカ人生のスタート地点だから。