Friday, October 31, 2008

NY 2 :Halloween in The Village

Happy Halloween! We went to Greenwich Village for Halloween. First we had GREAT pizza at Bleecker Street Pizza. Their crust is thin and crispy. The mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce is out of this world!! We also had hot dogs with Korean flavored beef, Bulgogi at NY hot dog & Coffee because we were still hungry. Look also how we dressed our hats for Halloween. Steven has horns and a bat. I have happy pumpkin guys! ハロウィーンの日。グリニッジビレッジへ行った私達はまずは腹ごしらえ。Bleecker Street Pizzaですごくおいしいピザをいただきました。ピザ台がすごく薄くてカリカリしていて、モッツアレラチーズとトマトソースがまあおいしい!その後まだお腹すいてたのでブルコギとソーセージをのせた変わったホットドッグにもトライしました。例のハロウィーン帽子も見て!Stevenは角とこうもり、私のはハッピーかぼちゃ君達がついてます。 Bleecker Street Pizza
69 Seventh Avenue South
New York 10014

You ask "so where are the parade pics?" Well, we tried to go to the street to see it but we couldn't get it because sooooo many people were there. That's OK because we enjoyed the people on the street.
We walked to Times Square but my legs started to hurt so took subway from there. I was wearing "I love NY" Tshirt which Makiko got me from her NY trip. Times Squareまでは歩けたけどそこからは足が痛くなってきたので地下鉄に乗って帰りました。このあいだ麻紀子さんからNYみやげにいただいたI love NYのTシャツを着てたのよ。

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

NY 1

New York is always an exciting place to visit. It is not so cold as much as I was afraid. Look at this blue sky! NYはいつ来てもエキサイティングな街。心配してた寒さもそれほどではなく、いいお天気です。

Went to Union square and found they had a farmer's market. 
ユニオンスクエアでファーマーズマーケットをしていました。Beautiful colors of the products.

Apples are in season and they sold apple cider, too. I got a hot apple cider. The pic of down right looks like miso soup but it is apple juice and some spice...Mmmmm tasty.

Election is right around corner so the battle between the candidates is heating up!

After I enjoyed the market, took a break at a cafe, Max Brenner. This place is famous for chocolate so I had a dark chocolate suckao which is steamed milk+chocolate. The milk is warmed up over the tea candle, you put some chocolate to melt and suck it up with the metallic straw! It was VERY delicious but wish the milk was hotter.
マーケットの後はMax Brennerというカフェで一休み。ここはちょこれーとが有名なのでsuckaoというスチームミルクでチョコレートを自分で入れて溶かし、メタリックのストローで飲むドリンクにトライ。チョコレートがおいしくて味は最高ですが、ミルクが小さなキャンドルで温められているのがイマイチ熱くなくて残念。あまり熱いとメタリックのストローで飲めないけどもう少し熱いのが好みだな。
Max Brenner
841 Broadway
New York, NY 10003‎
(212) 388-0030

Steven and I went to Carnegie Deli where is famous for pastrami sandwich (up left). You cannot see sandwich bread! These are not ours. I took this picture the ones on the counter while we are waiting for the chocolate pie we took home. Look at me smiling next to a pickle. Cool as a cucumber, huh? Stevenとパストラミサンドが有名なカーネギーデリに行きました。左上の写真がそうですが、サンドイッチのパンが見えないほどお肉がやってきます。これは私達が頼んだものではなくちょうどカウンターに来たところを撮りました。私達はここでは食事せずにチョコレートパイを買って帰っただけ。これも大きいでしょ!きゅうりのピクルスも有名だけど、この写真のはもちろんニセモノよ。

Carnegie Deli
854 Seventh Ave.
NY, NY. 10019

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ready for Halloween

This weekend is Halloween so I decorated our place with a little fall spices. Baking cheesecake (up left) is no related to fall decoration by the way :) The knit hats are the ones I made in the heat last week for Halloween. Knit caps on Halloween in California? Noooooo, I am going to NY to join Steven who is there for his biz trip and we are going to The Village to see Halloween parade so we need the caps. 今週末はハロウィーンなので部屋を秋のアクセントで飾ってみました。左上のチーズケーキは秋のデコレーションとは関係ありません。悪しからず。ニットの帽子は先週のあの暑さの中、ハロウィーン用に編みました。カリフォルニアのハロウィーンは暖かくてニットの帽子は必要ないって?いえいえ、私はあさってからNYに行ってきます。一足先に出張でNYにいるStevenと一緒にグリニッジ・ビレッジへハロウィーンパレードを見に行くので帽子を編みました。NYは寒いからね。

Since we are going to East coast, are visiting in laws. My mother in law's birthday is coming so I made a tote bag for her.東海岸に行くので、Stevenの家族にも会いに行きます。お義母さんの誕生日が近いのでトートバッグを作りました。

Made a little name tag for her who loves cats. Oh, I cannot wait to see them. 猫好きな彼女のためにネームタグも作りました。しばらく会ってないので、とても楽しみ!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona and knitting

I went to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona today. I had wanted to see this since my two favorite bloggers recommend this movie.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona を観に行きました。私の下記のお気に入りのブロガーのお二人が推薦していたのでずっと観たかったのです。
Woody Allen's movies are too sophisticated for me and made me shake my head sometimes but this movie was different. First it shows breathtaking Spanish towns and his camerawork is excellent. Loved the gloomy weather and its color which expressed European atmosphere. Also the interiors and exteriors of the houses in this movie are beautiful. I can see the art director paid attention to the details, even to a little cup in the kitchen. The story has a good balance of unpredictable part and predictable part. The only thing I was not so comfortable with was the Woody Allentic nurotic narration but if you cut it out, you would wonder, "Oh, who was the director of this nice movie?" so it is OK as it is. Another thing I liked was that this movie doesn't have too much Big-City-cynical-jokes. Oh well, I am a country girl after all. I cannot take too much "The city things." Woody has been filming outside US lately so I hope he will do in another places like Greece, Turkey or Italy.
Woody Allenの映画は私には都会的すぎていつも首をひねっていたのですが、この映画はおすすめです。まずはスペインの街の美しさと洗練されたカメラワークに感動。ちょと曇った空がかもしだずヨーロッパらしい感じがたまりません。あと出てくる家のインテリア、エクステリアがいい。相当細かい小道具まで神経使ってますね。ストーリーは「え、うそ?」という予想を裏切る場面と「あ、やっぱり。」という予想どおりの場面とが混在していていいバランス。ただ例のWoody Allen特有の神経症的なナレーションが耳障りなこともありましたが、ほらそこは彼の映画ですから、切り取ってしまったら「あれ、この素敵な映画誰がディレクターだっけ?」ってことになるのでこれでOK。それにいつもの都会的シニカルさが強くは出ていなかったので気持ちよく見れました。いやー私ってやっぱりカントリーガールなのね。Woodyはここ何年かアメリカの外で映画を撮っているようですが、ギリシャ、トルコやイタリアなんかでも撮って美しい街のショットを見せて欲しい。

It is end of October but still 84 degrees outside. I cannot wait to knit so am knitting in tank top !! それにしても10月の終わりだというのに外は27度。それでも編み物はしたいのでタンクトップ着て編み物しているという変な図です。

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall projects

Looks like plaid is in fashion lately so I made this simple dress. OK, I have been updated to the season now :) 何だかチェックがはやっているようなので、チェックのワンピースを作ってみました。よしよし、これで私も流行に乗り遅れてないな。
I also made this purse with the leftover pieces from the dress. Just kept sewing them together and it became a purse!! 余った端切れで小さなバッグも作りました。ただくっつけて縫っていったらバッグになりました。

I made this to my sister, Akiko for her birthday present. Yoga mat bag. これは妹の亜紀子へのお誕生日プレゼント。ヨガマット入れ。
This is also for her who takes lunch to her work. これも職場へお弁当を持っていく彼女へのプレゼント。
These are Moroccan lucky charms, God's hand. I made little pillows, attached the charms to them and framed them. They protect us from evils. モロッコで買った神の手というお守り。小さなクッションを作ってそれに縫いつけ、フレームをつけて見ました。悪いものから守ってくれるということです。

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oita, Japan 2

Mama, Ryoko and I went to Bungo Takada to eat crabs. This town is famous for this crab called Gazami and we heard they are VERY delicious so here we go! We saw a lot of seafood at this store. "Excuse me, could we have three crabs, please? Yeah, those big ones!." We also got another one to Akiko who is working at home today.

This is the Gazami crab before cooking.

And after....this restaurant cooks the ones you picked from the fish tank. Crab miso soup also came with the dish. How was the crab? It was sweet and juicy and excellent! It was worth driving one hour to here.

Pumpkin sisters. かぼちゃ姉妹。

We also stopped at Futago ji and enjoyed the walking in the green. I love walking in the gardens of temples and shrines. They usually have a lot of trees and plants and very quiet so it is very soothing.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Oita, Japan 1

I went back to Japan to see my 92 year old grandma because she is getting weak recently. She is in a hospital but she is fine and was still be able to recognize me and asked Steven who is in Luxembourg for his biz trip. She is very close to me since I was a child so I went to see her as many as I could to cheer her up.

On the way to my hometown, there is a station named USA. (pronounced "ooh-sa") Funny I left USA and saw this in Japan. ところで実家の別府に帰る途中、宇佐を通りましたがUSAという表示はUSAから帰ってきた時にみると何だかおかしい。

A lot of fresh seafood and veggies were waiting for me! Thank you, Mama!

On the other day, I told mama "I want to eat Oden." and she is cooking something!!

Ohhhhh, it is Oden!!! Oden is stewed veggies and meat in soy sauce and sake. Yummy!
My sisters are setting table. Girls, peace signs are not cool anymore. You may want to stop it.
妹達がテーブルセッティングをしているところ。ちょっとキミ達、ピースサインはもう流行らないんだかからやめなさい。, too???!!!

Smile! without peace signs. :)

While we were having Oden, Steven was watching beautiful fall color in Luxembourg. I miss you, honey!!私達がおでんを楽しんでいる時、Stevenはルクセンブルグで秋の色を楽しんでいたようです。

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We are home

We have come home from Morocco+Switzerland trip. Below is Swiss chocolates which I got in a supermarket to finish my Swiss money before I left there. They are still tasty even they are from a supermarket.
I hid this cured meat at the bottom of my luggage and made it to home!!! :)
Funny we missed our home food when we were in Morocco but now we miss Moroccan food so I made Chicken, veggies, prune+cous cous and mint tea which I made with authentic gun powder tea. モロッコにいたときは家のごはんが懐かしかったけど、家にいる今、モロッコごはんが懐かしいとはおもしろい。そこでモロッコ料理を作りました。クスクスとチキン、野菜、プルーン。ミントティーもきちんとガンパウダーティーという正式なお茶を使っていれました。

Made Kefta tagine (Moroccan meat ball with egg) following this recipe in another day.

On the other day, I made Japanese curry. Japanese curry is more soupy and lighter than Indian curries. This got eggplants, red peppers, potatoes, carrots, onions and ground beef. I also sprinkled some dried apricot and fried onions on the rice. 別の日には日本のカレーを作りました。インドカレーよりもスープが多く軽いので時々食べたくなります。今回はなす、赤ピーマン、じゃがいも、人参、玉ねぎと牛ひき肉で作りました。ご飯の上にはドライアプリコットとフライドオニオンをふりかけて。
On another day, we had chirashi sushi, tofu, hijiki and miso soup. I guess I missed Japanese food. Steven said he did, too. またまた別の日にはチラシ寿司。冷奴、ひじき、お味噌汁と一緒に。うーん、和食も恋しかったようです。Stevenも同じだといっております。