69 Seventh Avenue South
New York 10014

Made a little name tag for her who loves cats. Oh, I cannot wait to see them. 猫好きな彼女のためにネームタグも作りました。しばらく会ってないので、とても楽しみ!
And after....this restaurant cooks the ones you picked from the fish tank. Crab miso soup also came with the dish. How was the crab? It was sweet and juicy and excellent! It was worth driving one hour to here.
Pumpkin sisters. かぼちゃ姉妹。
We also stopped at Futago ji and enjoyed the walking in the green. I love walking in the gardens of temples and shrines. They usually have a lot of trees and plants and very quiet so it is very soothing.
A lot of fresh seafood and veggies were waiting for me! Thank you, Mama!
On the other day, I told mama "I want to eat Oden." and she is cooking something!!
Ohhhhh, it is Oden!!! Oden is stewed veggies and meat in soy sauce and sake. Yummy!
My sisters are setting table. Girls, peace signs are not cool anymore. You may want to stop it.
Smile! without peace signs. :)
While we were having Oden, Steven was watching beautiful fall color in Luxembourg. I miss you, honey!!私達がおでんを楽しんでいる時、Stevenはルクセンブルグで秋の色を楽しんでいたようです。