A small purse with Hawaiian quilting. I like this color combination of inside and outside, smokey green and purple. This is for my dearest mother in law. ハワイアンキルトの入れ物。外と中の色合わせが好きです。お義母さんのところへお嫁いり。

This went to one of my best friends. I like the layered flower quilting on this tiny purse. これは仲のよいお友達へ。重なったお花のモチーフがかわいい小さな小さな入れ物。
Small bag with Hawaiian quilting. I like small projects because they get done in a short time. This is for my sister in law in Kyoto. ハワイアンキルトの小さな入れ物。小物は短い時間でできるので楽しい。京都の義妹へ。
Look at this cute fabric from Amy Butler. I used a pattern for the hat from this book. The purse is my design. By the way, this picture is like magazine shot, isn't it? :) Amy Butlerの生地がかわいいでしょう。日本でもおなじみロッタさんのこの本から作りました。バッグは私のデザインです。しかしこの写真、雑誌の写真みたいじゃない?(ふふふ。)
Another project with Amy Butler's fabric. Used a pattern from this Japanese book, "easy straight sewing dress". It was easy. 又もやAmy Butlerの生地で。この日本の本で作りました。「直線縫いのワンピース」という題のとおり簡単でしたよ。
Glass case for Steven. Oh, cute!! It matches my dress!!....well, it maybe too girlish for him so I will make another one for him.
Another bag with Hawaiian quilting. This is for my host mother, Jean who loves purple. 又もやハワイアンキルトのバッグ。これは紫大好きなホストマザー、Jeanへプレゼント。