Thursday, August 28, 2008

Casablanca, Morocco Day 5

Another exculsion to the town. Despite of the nice impressions from the movie, Casablanca, the town is kind of dumpy. I saw a lot of abandoned buildings (or underconstruction which never will be finished.) and dirty streets. 又もや街並み拝見のお時間です。あの映画「カサブランカ」からの美しいイメージからはかけ離れたわりかし汚れた感じの町で、廃墟や建設中(絶対完成しなさそうな)のビルがたくさんありました。

It is very rare to see couple holding each other like this.
Fruit seller 果物を売ってます。

Looks like cactus. The meat was bright orange. The guy peels it for you but I didn't try it.

Had shrimp cooktail and paella for lunch at La Pescada. They were OK. Most of the restaurants serve round bread and two sauces, hot and mild. The mild one is warm like tomato sauce.
ランチはLa Pescadaというレストランで小海老のカクテルとパエヤ。味はまあまあ。ほとんどのレストランではこのように丸いパンと2種類のソースが出てきます。ホットとマイルドソース。マイルドソースの方はトマトソースのように暖かい。

Stop sign in Arabic. アラビア語での止まれ標識。

I don't know what this is but a big building near Steven's office.

I paid a visit to Steven's office. He was on the conference call but we went out for mint tea after this.  Stevenのオフィスを訪問。電話会議中でしたがこの後、ミントティーブレイクに連れて行ってもらいました。

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