Sunday, November 27, 2011
Another turkey dish and Christmas decoration
A lot of people make sandwich, soup or caserole with leftover turkey but we did this. Turkey hot pot! Turkey is already cooked so didn't get broth from that but still tasted goooood. We had it with mushroom, backweat noodle, napa cabbage, and green onions. Mmmmmmm. Winter dish.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving leftover party
Thanksgiving always lefts us a lot of food so we had a leftover party with our lovely neighbors. I made turkey dip with crackers (up-right in the pic above). Bob brought a deepfried turkey and it was very tasty. He marinated it in soysauce instead of brine liquid. Yum!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving dinner
Happy Thanksgiving! 用意はできて、後はゲストの到着を待つばかり。
Mr. Ni, Mr.&Mrs Na and their kids, No-kun & Yu-chan are here! We had a toast with bubbly drink. The kids had apple cider though. First we had Ceviche Japonesa made by Mr. Ni. The scallops marinated in olive oil and sweet peppers was sooooo tasty.
Hey, turkey is also ready finally!! Looks great, doesn't it? Mrs. Na brought her dishes, green bean casserole, mashed potato, and beautiful fruit tart!! Ohhhhh, everything was delicious. Mr. Na curved a turkey on the mashed potato and it is very cute. Didn't know you had a talent like this. Brussel sprouts+bacon(no photo), chestnut+bacon stuffing, and green pea soup+truffle oil were good, too. Ohhh, forgot to take a pic of Mr.Ni's bruschetta :( His Tiramisu was the most tastiest one I have ever had! He learned this in France. No wonder....Thank you everybody for your contributions.
No-kun and Yu-chan are very cute and also teenagers with the best attitude. Great kids!
Not only attitude. They are very talented! Yu-chan played 2nd Menuet from L'Arlesienne! She was shy and she didn't want us to look at her while she was playing. CUTE!! Nice to listen to the pretty sound. No-kun showed us how to do "modern yoyo". It was not the same with the one I was using when I was a kid. It doesn't come up easily. He showed off his high leveled technique. Thank you both of you.It was very entertaining!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving Prep
We are having guests for Thanksgiving dinner this year and started prepping! First I made an center piece for table. Well, I didn't get a turkey figure but got some orange colors at least. I also made a door wreath and got some Christmas-like greens for the kitchen. Why kitchen? I cannot place ANY flowers/plants in the place cats can reach. Grrrrr!!!! Cranberry sauce came out good, too. I cooked them in orange juice.
Steven insisted to buy a roasting pan so we went to Sur la Table and got this!
Stevenがどうしてもロースト用のパンを買うというのでSur La Tableでこれを買ってきました!

It will be the first time for me to cook a whole turkey by myself. I did legs or breast or some parts of the bird but never did a whole turkey. Seven of us are eating so got 12lb turkey.
I brined the bird with salt, sugar and herbs. Good night turkey, sleep tight and be tasty. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Beaujolais nouveau 2011
Yes, today is the third Thursday of November. It means Beaujolais nouveau day! I know, I know. Some people (especially people here in US) don't care about this but I am a Japanese (it is a HUGE deal in Japan) and marride to the guy who has French descent ( my last name is French, you know...) I cannot pass this event even I am busy. Well, I knew I needed to go out and don't have much time to cook in the evening so I went to Wholefoods 9 in the morning. (Remember my BN day in 2009? It is the ONLY place you can get Beaujolais nouveau today around here.) I walking in the wine department with crossing my fingers....where is the baby? I couldn't find them. I was worried and I might not be able to get it. I couldn't find a wine guy either. I was standing there and a cheese guy asked me if he can help. I told him what I am looking for and he said "Well, they may not coming this year." I literary screamed there," Whaaaaat? No Beaujolais nouveau ? It can't be right." He was scared of my enthusiasm towards this wine and he said "Ahh, let me check the back." I thanked him thinking"Damn right! You check the back and tell me you are wrong!" After a LONG few minutes later, he came out from back holding a bottle of the wine! I gave him a special smile and thanks.
今日は11月の第三木曜日。ボージョレイヌーボーの日です。毎年言ってますがここ、アメリカではあまり馴染みのないイベント。私は日本人でしかもフランス人の血がちょこっとまざった人と結婚しているので、(Burkeという苗字はフレンチらしい。フランスに行くとマダムブーケと呼ばれる。)この日を普通に過ごすことはできません。今日は外出して忙しく、夕方そんなにお料理の時間が取れないことはわかっていたので、Wholefoodsに朝9時過ぎに行きました。私の2年前のこの日をお忘れではないでしょう。 ここがこの辺唯一置いてあるお店なのです。あってくれよと祈りながらワイン売り場をうろうろしていましたが、ない。まさかの事態か?いつもはうるさいワイン専門の販売員も見当たらない。私はボーっとしてそこに立ちすくんでいたら、横のチーズ売り場の人が何かおさがしでしょうかと声をかけてくれる。探しているものを言ったら「あー、今年は入って来ないかもしれないですね。」私は文字通りそこで叫んでしまいました。「えええええええええ?ボージョレイがないんですか?それはありえないでしょう。」彼は私のワインに対するあまりにも大きな思い入れにちょっと引いて「あ、ちょっと裏を見てきます。」私はありがとうと微笑みながら心では「当然でしょ!早くストックをチェックしてきなさいよ!間違いでしたって証明してよね。」と怒りながら待ちました。長い2-3分後、彼はバックルームから出てきました。ワインボトルを提げて。私は特別の「にっこり」と引き換えにそのワインを受け取りレジスターへ。
Well, it didn't end my struggle today. I prepared everything before I went out. That's what I thought at least. I came home around 5:30 pm and checking my fancy Thomas Keller's French cook book and guess what I missed this morning. "Reduce red wine, veggies, and herbs for AN HOUR." I needed to sit down on my kitchen stool and think. Well, we both hungry and cannot wait 1 hour plus time so I decided to make easy appetizer (Pâté on mini toast and smoked salmon +Yogurt sauce on mini toast.) and serve them with wine before the dinner! (What a clever wife I am!!)
しかしながら、私の苦悩はそこでは終わらなかったのです。お出かけする前に全てばっちり、準備したの。少なくてもそう思っていました。5時半頃に帰宅して私の大事なThomas Kellerのフレンチ料理本を見たら、ナンと…。何を見落としていたでしょう?「赤ワインと野菜とスパイスで1時間煮詰める」の一行。私は愕然としてキッチンスツールに座って考えました。二人ともお腹すいてるし、1時間以上は待てない。それで簡単なおつまみを作って夕食の前にもうワインをあけてしまうことに決めました。なーんて賢い妻でしょう!(自画自賛)おつまみはパテをミニトーストに塗ったもの、そして同じくスモークサーモン+ヨーグルトソース。
Skirt steak with caramelized shallots and red wine Au Jus
Scalop gratin (Shhhh! I bought this and ONLY baked in the oven)
Green beans and carrot glaze

It is proper to use French table mat for today. What? Table mat is provancal (South France)and the wine is from North east? Ohhh, you are so picky!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My Kabocha Pumpkin
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sharks game
I forgot to bring my camera so I don't have any pics during the game. The ones below are all from news site. It was a special game for Sharks because Devin Setoguchi came back to Shark tank as a Minnesota Wild Player! He and his other two guys were suddenly traded to Wild a few months ago and this was the first time to play against with his old teammates. I am sure there were some emotional matters between them but they are professional players. They must have been OK. Although Sharks fans gave warm welcome back to Seto and I screamed "Go, Setoguchi-kun a little bit." in Japanese. :)
We had a GREAT TIME at our seats. Drinking beer (not me, coffee for me), eating peanuts, talking loud, screaming, cheering, hugging, and etc. Well, with our sincere cheering, Sharks won with 3-1. Sorry, Seto but Sharks rule! What a great night it was. I was so excited and thinking about it even in the dream. :) Let's do this again!
Sunday, November 06, 2011
I was inspired
Since I enjoyed a lot of beautiful work at the Alameda show yesterday. I wanted to draw something. The leaves on the big tree in front of the house had some colored leaves so decided to draw them. A red one and green one. The red one is cuter. :)
昨日The Alamedaのアートショウでたくさんの美しい作品に影響され、何か描きたくてたまらなくなりました。ウチの前にある大きな木に紅葉した葉っぱがあったのでそれを描く事に。赤いのと緑の。葉っぱも「赤くなるとかわいいね。」
Saturday, November 05, 2011
The art show and bookstore
One of our friends Lynne had an art show at the Alameda Art Works which is a few minute drive from home. She is a mosaic artist and I always love her sense of colors. Beautiful!
友人のLynneがThe Alameda Art Worksで展覧会ををするので観に行きました。実はここ家から車で2~3分のところ。彼女はモザイクアーティスト。彼女の色の選択にはいつも感心します。きれいだなあ。
The place was much bigger than we had thought and there were a lot of artists and their work in the space.
I do mostly water color but recently I am interested in Pastel work. I met a great pastel artist,
Stacey Nussbaum and her small daughter who was drawing there. I asked her if she does classes because I want to do pastel. She said she doesn't teach but I can come see her drawing some Sundays so that I can learn from it!!
私は普通水彩しかしないのですが、最近パステルにも興味を持っていました。そして今日ステキなパステルアーティストのStacey Nussbaum と彼女の小さなお嬢さんにお会いしました。(その子はそこでパステルで絵を描いてましたよ。)彼女の作品にとてもひかれたので、どこかで教えていないか聞いたら、教えていないけど、日曜日はここで描いているから見にきていいと言われました。見ながら学ぶこともあるしね、ですって。
Aren't they gorgeous? I love her dramatic strokes and romantic colors. I cannot wait to start my pastel drawing!
Ended up to buy seven books. Five for Steven and two for me. Yeah, ”Pastel painting techniques" and "Watercolor the wet technique" I know I am so easy to inspired by.
Friday, November 04, 2011
Ox-tail Stew