We had a 4th of July block party on out street. I decorated our front yard with red, white and blue. Gracie next door woke up early and combing her Rapunzel's hair. She is sooooooo cute.
アメリカ独立記念日のパーティー。家の前の道を交通止めにして ご近所さんみんなが集まります。ウチも前庭を赤、青、白でデコレーション。お隣のGracieも今日は早起きして、ラプンツェルの髪をといています。本当にかわいい子!

These guys are staring at a bounce house setting up. Men are the same in any generations, from left 52 years old, 18 years old, and 7 years old. Guys, there are a lot of things to do this morning. Get up and work!

Bred made a cute street sign for the party. The reason it has Houston is that one of our neighbor families is moving there. The family is very nice family and has a cute boy and girl. We will miss them very much.

Now we are setting up a tent. I put a "birthday boy" pin on Steven's back so that people can see it. He was getting a lot of birthday wishes. :)
さて、テントの設営が始まりました。Stevenの背中に「Birthday boy」のバッチをつけてあげました。それでたくさんの人から「おめでとう!」って言われてた。

Let's get the party started!! Appetizers are served. I made fig, blue cheese and pistachio on bagguet.
さあ、パーティーが始めましょ! アペタイザーが並びます。私はイチジク、ブルーチーズ、ピスタチオを薄切りバゲットに乗せたものを持っていきました。

Bike parade has started! The bikes/tricycles are all decorated with red, white and blue. Everybody is soooooo cute!
Rachel and Aki came and joined us! The busy blues man has a day off today.
More activities also started. We heard a lot of laugh and giggling all day.

Mo had a Oyster bar (and s red bull rocket) from Oyster girls and they were soooo good. They served Miyagi oysters and they were raw, steamed and grilled. The Oyster girl was VERY cute, too. Steven kept going back to the girl uh..no, the bar.
Moの前庭ではオイスターバーがオープン。(Red bullで作ったロケットもね。)The Oyster girlというケイタリング会社なんだけど、この日は「ミヤギ」という種類の牡蠣。生、蒸したの、グリルしたのとあって、ひゃーっ、おいしかった。このオイスターのお姉さんが超かわいかった。Stevenも何度もこのお姉さんのところへ、いえ、オイスターバーのところへ戻り、おいしくいただいてました。

Aki & Steven's cupcake shot. There is one more boy whose birthday was today so they got his birthday cupcakes.

Here comes the famous Norton Rocket car! The cars have rockets and the loop which the wire goes through. They are ready to rock!
Everybody got together and are watching the rocket cars. At the end of the course, there are hay barrels and rocket cars crashed into them. Booom!!

Now, dinner time. I made salmon pasta. It was not just a salmon. I cured it with sugar, salt and lemon peel and baked salmon. Ohhhh, it was tasty.

Before the sunset, there was a Pinata. Tyler pulled it too hard because it broke on only third kid. Yeah, candies!!
We sit on our front porch and had dinner with listening to live music. Oh, I drunk margarita and sangria too much. The cup on my mouth tells how much. :)

The last activity was fireworks on the street.
The summer has started!