After Steven and Richard finished their big project, we went to Suan Lum Night Bazaar and had GREAT dinner. StevenとRichardがプロジェクトを終わらせた後、Suan Lumの夜市へ行き、夕食を食べました。
Our favorite was Prawn sauteed with egg&curry. The rich sauce matched with the prawn very well. 私達のお気に入りは大海老のソテーカレーと卵入り。リッチなソースが海老によく合っておいしい!
More food topics, while I was wondering in the town by myself, I had these lunches. Omu curry was served in Coco Ichibanya, Japanese curry house. I am not sure what the pink soup is but the sweet&sour soup was good. The porridge had a raw egg on it and as I stirred, it got cooked a little bit in a hot porridge. Mmmmmm.... 更に食べ物のお話。平日一人で街を歩き回っている時にいただいたランチ。オムカレーをCoco一番屋で食べました。ナスのトッピングでね。こういう日本のフランチャイズ店はアジアの国に行った時でないと行けないから。あ、Mos burgerも行きました。ピンクのスープの麵は何だかわからないけど甘酸っぱくておいしかった。

Also some snacks! Had steamed bread with coconut custard for the first time. The gooey bread was great.