Steven had his 50th birthday today, 7/4/2009.
Here is fabulous 50 year old Steven working on his birthday BBQ party.
We ate, chatted, laughed and had a great time. So glad they came despite of the long drive.

Steven made herb stuffed grilled whole salmon and his famous hamburgers. He said he burned them because he was too busy talking with friends but they both tasted great! Our guests liked smoked chicken+mush rooms+ sun dried tomato pasta, too. John made us Margarita and I made Sangria! Mmmmm, delicious! Stevenはハーブやレモンを詰めてサーモンの丸焼きと例のハンバーガーを作りました。おしゃべりに夢中になりすぎて焦がしてしまったと悔やんでいたけど、おいしかったです。スモークチキン+サンドライドトマト+きのこ類のパスタも大好評でした。Johnがマルガリータを作ってくれて、私はサングリアを作り、あー飲んだよお。
Flowers and other decoration in the house.
I arranged some old pictures of Steven. Cute pictures! I am so happy to see him enjoying his life. Seems like our life has been better since we have met so hope we can keep this good pace of happiness.
Since his birthday is on July 4th, we also celebrated it with our new neighbors. It was amazing. We blocked out of our street and all the neighbors came out and BBQ and had fun! There were rocket cars, water slider, jumping house, maze, and had a big fireworks late at night. Everybody is so friendly and they treat each other like a real family. This is very rare and we are so lucky to live in this neighborhood. We even made Tshirts with our street name! How cool is that!