We woke up at 4am because of jet lug and we got hungry a little after that but nothing is open this early in the morning. However we found one opens 3am!! This is not fancy or anything but we didn't care. We were just hungry. I had cold udon noodle with egg york and Steven ordered small udon soup w/shrimp tempura, small katsudon (deep fired pork and egg on rice), corokke (deep fried mashed potato). I understand his choices because when you are in Japan, you see too many good stuff and cannot choose one.

This cafe has pretty interior. Loved the flower paintings on the ceiling. I shared this pumpkin pudding with Steven and it was very tasty. It was smooth like velvet and pumpkin made it sweet but not so much. このカフェは内装もとても素敵で天井のポピーの花も美しい。Stevenと分けて食べたパンプキンプディングは絶品。絹のようになめらか、かぼちゃの甘さが強すぎずにちょうどいい。
Rue Favart(リュファヴァー)
Address:3-28-12 Ebisu,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
After that, we went to Meiji Shrine because they have a great forest kind of walkway. It was very hot but the tree shade cooled us down. We saw wedding parties there. Since this is a famous shrine, a lot of people wants to marry at this place and they have more than 10 wedding ceremonies a day!! その後は2人で明治神宮へ。ここの森の中のような歩道がとても気に入っています。とても暑い日でしたが、木陰が涼しさを作ってくれてひんやり。結婚式も見ました。人気の場所らしく一日に十組以上式がある日もあるとか。
Steven's old coworkers got together and we went to TexMex restaurtant in Ebisu. There was a Rodeo machine and I would have tried it but it was not working. Oh, well. :) Stevenの昔の同僚が集まってくれて恵比寿のTexMexのレストランへ。ロデオの機械もあったけど、動いてなかった。やってみたかったのに残念(ウソ)。
Next day, we had lunch with Haruko san at Mutstumi in Asakuda. This place is specialized in various flavored rice served in miniature old type rice cooker. We ordered scallop, Gomoku (5 ingredients), and Octopus ones. Everything was VERY tasty. They start cooking after they get orders so it takes around half an hour to serve but they are fresh. The rice sucked each ingredients flavor and aroma so we enjoyed three different rice. Excellent!! Thank you, Haruko san to take us here.

We also saw my sister and her boy friend at Ebisu. We met Susumu for the first time and we liked him a lot! Looks like he takes good care of Ryoko and we are glad to see them happy together.
This cafe has pretty interior. Loved the flower paintings on the ceiling. I shared this pumpkin pudding with Steven and it was very tasty. It was smooth like velvet and pumpkin made it sweet but not so much. このカフェは内装もとても素敵で天井のポピーの花も美しい。Stevenと分けて食べたパンプキンプディングは絶品。絹のようになめらか、かぼちゃの甘さが強すぎずにちょうどいい。

Rue Favart(リュファヴァー)
Address:3-28-12 Ebisu,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
After that, we went to Meiji Shrine because they have a great forest kind of walkway. It was very hot but the tree shade cooled us down. We saw wedding parties there. Since this is a famous shrine, a lot of people wants to marry at this place and they have more than 10 wedding ceremonies a day!! その後は2人で明治神宮へ。ここの森の中のような歩道がとても気に入っています。とても暑い日でしたが、木陰が涼しさを作ってくれてひんやり。結婚式も見ました。人気の場所らしく一日に十組以上式がある日もあるとか。
Steven's old coworkers got together and we went to TexMex restaurtant in Ebisu. There was a Rodeo machine and I would have tried it but it was not working. Oh, well. :) Stevenの昔の同僚が集まってくれて恵比寿のTexMexのレストランへ。ロデオの機械もあったけど、動いてなかった。やってみたかったのに残念(ウソ)。
Next day, we had lunch with Haruko san at Mutstumi in Asakuda. This place is specialized in various flavored rice served in miniature old type rice cooker. We ordered scallop, Gomoku (5 ingredients), and Octopus ones. Everything was VERY tasty. They start cooking after they get orders so it takes around half an hour to serve but they are fresh. The rice sucked each ingredients flavor and aroma so we enjoyed three different rice. Excellent!! Thank you, Haruko san to take us here.

Kamameshi Mutsumi
3-32-4 Asakusa
Taito-ku, Tokyo
3-32-4 Asakusa
Taito-ku, Tokyo