
We had a birthday dinner at the hotel we stayed. We gave Mom a little book which has everybody's message. I told them to draw or write a message for her before hand I corrected them the night before. She really liked this present and she kept reading it after the dinner and the trip. その夜はホテルでお誕生会のディナー。ママへのプレゼントはみんなのメッセージが詰まった小さな本。事前にみんなに1ページづつ絵を書くか、メッセージを書くようにお願いしておいて前夜にひとつにしました。ママはこのプレゼントがとても気に入ったみたいで夕食後も旅行の後も繰り返し見ていました。よかった。

OK. We are going to do have fun tomorrow, too. Go to bed, kids! さあ、明日も楽しいこと満載。子供は寝た寝た!
The dinner was great. We had fresh seafood and meat. Below is food for one person. Looks like a lot but wait, there were two more dishes I forgot to take pictures of.

Once they finished there dinner, the boy started running around again. This time they wanted to show us standing on their heads.


Family photo time. Say cheese! 家族写真。チーズ!
After the dinner, we went to see lighting bugs and it was amazing because hundreds of them made their lights in turn in sections and I felt like I was looking at programed light show or visual orchestra.
OK. We are going to do have fun tomorrow, too. Go to bed, kids! さあ、明日も楽しいこと満載。子供は寝た寝た!